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This week's question is: What were some of your favorite picture books as a kid? If you have kids, what are your favorites to read to them?
MY ANSWER: Oh tough one. Well...I don't remember a lot of picture books. But some books that I remember being read to as a kid were Disney books, the big kind with bright colorful pages that basically tells the Disney tale.
The Berenstain Bears collection was another fave! I have a ton of these books in my kid books box!
Of course another fave of mine that was quite popular in the elementary school library was Rainbow Fish!
I never read more than the first book because the rest just didn't make it onto my radar until I was a teenager!
And of course another beloved book that I checked out endlessly and was finally rewarded my own copy years later--for memories' sake--was The Random House Book of Fairy Tales!
It was fun book of mixed fairy tales and the illustrations were gorgeous! Still have my copy somewhere in my collection of children's books! For the most part, the Grimm fairy tales stayed true to their Grimm origins. At least with Snow White, the Queen attempted to kill her with the corset, then the comb and finally the poisoned apple!
What were some of your faves?