Sep 30, 2013

ARC Review--Cold Blooded by Amanda Carlson

Jessica arrives back in town to find her best friend missing and the most powerful witch in the country is blaming her for it. But before they can move to save her, the group is attacked.

On the run, Jessica and Rourke head to the mountains. Several surprises await them, but in order to save her father they are forced to leave for New Orleans early.

Arriving on the Vampire Queen's doorstep unexpectedly, and bringing trouble on their heels, the Sects are thrown into an all out war. The vicious
skirmish ends up forcing the vamps and Jessica to fight on the same team.

The Vamp Queen ends up owing Jessica, but what Jessica doesn't realize is just how soon she'll have to cash it in...

I received this e-ARC from the publishers via Netgalley for the Cold Blooded Blog Tour, in exchange for an honest review, I was in no way compensated for this review.

Amanda Carlson's Cold Blooded was a fascinating read! First off, LOVE this cover!! the best of the series so far for sure! The cover both shows our werewolf heroine with the full moon behind her, along with a church and bats--vampire bats, perhaps?!

I only had vague recollections of what happened last time, I knew the main scheme of things, but little details were forgotten. Cold Blooded started out with a BANG! The aftermath of sending the demon Serena to hell after she kidnapped and tortured Rourke had a few disastrous effects and right about then is when the new problems start to happen! Jessica cannot get a break worth a damn, but then there would be no story after all.

Some characters are still MIA such as James, Noami, Tyler and the rest of Jessica's wolf friends. But the wolves and Noami all show up later, basically James remains MIA as he tries to find and rescue Marcy. Ray is there too and has gone through quite the startling change. He's been made a vampire by Noami and the results aren't quite normal for a turning. Noami is hard-pressed to keep him tamed and Jessica and Rourke step up to take control of him.

All the while Jessica is being pursued adamantly by sorcerers and demons. Seems they are calling for her blood. Jessica thinks it might be best to take refuge at the Vampire Queen's place in New Orleans since she is due there in a few weeks anyway. Eudoxia is far from pleased at the arrival of so many unwanted guests, as Jessica arrives with her full crew in tow.

There's quite an upheaval among the vamps and wolves. Things are dicey and intense the whole time. Friends go missing, people get hurt, people show up again! Talk about crazy times! A lot goes down in this one and it's filled with action nearly at every chapter! If there's no hardcore action, it's replaced with tension rife with new problems or secrets or something that's delectably entertaining. Cold Blooded rarely has a dull moment!

Which brings me to the romance involved! Sure, Jessica and her friends and her beloved mate, Rourke are constantly running for their lives, but there's always time for a little romance right? I mean, we have been waiting ever so long for some lovin! Well, Amanda does not disappoint in this one! Rourke and Jessica get their moment, although for them of course, it wasn't enough! There also seems to be some romantic sparks building between Danny and Naomi! Not sure how cemented that will be, but it's definitely a sight to see!

Jessica is a heroine that never ceases to amaze me by how much she grows. Challenges are consistently being thrown at her, but she gets back up and fights them again and again! She's incredibly strong to keep carrying on the way that she does! Her powers are still a bit confusing to me, I think I need to read the prophecy again to get a better understanding of all that she might be capable of, but I don't think Jessica quite knows the answer to that one.

The ending to this one was purely epic! One of the biggest showdowns I've ever seen! So many battles, so very many enemies that have to be defeated who are all pretty powerful in their own right. And then comes the cliffhanger! Wildly insane chaos occurs and then we are left hanging, but then again so is Jessica and her friends. The next book is definitely going to top this one I think because Jessica has even more on her plate, besides the added unsolved problems from previous books!

Amanda Carlson is an amazing author telling her own saga of werewolves! I tell you people I can never get enough of paranormal reads! There is simply so much to tell in so many different ways! Amanda Carlson is definitely on my keeper list for life!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars

Cold Blooded releases October 8, 2013