Sep 16, 2013

ARC Review--Through the Zombie Glass by Gena Showalter


Alice Bell has lost so much. Family. Friends. A home. She thought she had nothing else to give. She was wrong.

After a new zombie attack, strange things begin to happen to her. Mirrors come to life, and the whispers of the dead assault her ears. But the worst? A terrible darkness blooms inside of her, urging her to do very wicked things...

I received this ARC from the publishers in exchange for an honest review, I was in no way compensated for this review.

Gena Showalter's Through the Zombie Glass definitely makes my list of Best Books of 2013! It was that fantabulous! Granted, my memory of the first book was poor since I read that as a very early ARC, but I managed to follow along very well! And this book totally changes Ali's life and sets her in an entirely different direction!

Ali is still healing from her ordeal of last time and Cole learns that there may be a spy amongst his slayers, one of his own, feeding information to Anima. He calls in for backup from another state, as they are still short two slayers and in comes Gabriel and Veronica. Veronica happens to be one Cole's many ex's and Gabriel...well...he's definitely a player! Just goes to show how fast characters grow up in these fictional worlds because I think he's only like 21. Regardless, the moment Ali meets him they have a vision together. Like she use to have with Cole. This is what builds that wall between Ali and Cole.

Cole starts acting distant and it's not long before a breakup happens! I was truly devastated! Cole is definitely one of my favorite book boyfriends and to see him acting the way he did, did not make me a happy girl! Ali tries to move on, as Cole told her to, since it's obvious that he is moving on with how much time he spends with Veronica. But it's hard for her. She still loves him, despite not being able to admit to herself. I truly loved seeing how Trina and Mackenzie warmed up to her though. It was endearing to see them treat her kindly this time around.

But Ali's got other problems than just boyfriend trouble. After a zombie attack, where she was bitten, she's been acting differently. She's noticed shadows around her reflection and has even seen a completely different Ali looking back at her. It's a Zombie Ali that resides within her. No matter how much antidote Ali takes, she can't shake this Zombie soul that clings to her and it puts all her friends at risk.

To add to her troubles--because boyfriend woes, a Zombie living within her and a traitor amongst them isn't enough--there's still Anima to deal with. And recently one of their members has taken an interest in Ali that will not bode well for anyone!

Through the Zombie Glass was an action packed read! I'm telling you, so much happened that I never wanted it to end, but sadly, it did. I never used to be one for romances or even romantic elements, but I have to admit, I've become a sucker for them now! As elements anyway! There are three amazing relationships going on here! We have the ever problematic Ali and Cole--because Cole keeps acting very un-ex like even after their breakup, the on again, off again, then on again, no wait off ag--on again Kat and Frosty. Those two are a riot! Kat is very outspoken and I truly love that girl! She's never afraid to tell it like it is, but still in a kindly matter. She pushes Ali to do what's right in some things. And the way Frosty treats just want to sigh and melt! The third relationship is between Reeve and Bronx. Though not together, it's still clear that they care for one another, but there's something keeping them apart. Bronx is super protective of Reeve and does a background check on current boyfriend, even goes as far as spying on them during their date!

I'll be interested to see where this series goes in the next book! The ending here was definitely satisfactory, in the sense that all the issues were resolved. Of course, Anima is still a big issue what with their wanting to study zombies instead of getting rid of them! The book even ends with a "note from Cole." It was nice to get inside that boy's head, even with just a small note! There's definitely going to be a lot of kickass action in the third book. 

I totally love this series! Through the Zombie Glass continues Ali's story as she gets through the death of her family by the zombies' hands and working with her new friends to rid the world--or their town--of zombies. I am not sure if this is meant to be a trilogy or more, but one thing I can say is that I will be sticking with this series til the very end!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars

Through the Zombie Glass releases September 24, 2013