Jan 31, 2013

Printed Books Giveaway Hop!

So yeah, ebooks are getting popular these days. But me, I still prefer a real book! Plus the mass market books--which makes up about 90% of the books I buy--are the SAME price as an ebook. Where's the savings in that?! Needless to say, I tend to buy more printed books then ebooks. I figure, I recycle nearly everything else, so it's all good!

So in honor of printed books, I have decided to offer up one copy of one of my favorite reads! You can choose whichever one you want from these selected, and if you have them all already, still enter. We'll talk and work something out! 

I want the prize to be one of these reads because they are some of my all time faves and were some of the first paranormal reads I read and they were sooo awesome, because at this time--for some of them at least--they were the only paranormal choices to be had--that are still in print. But they were still incredible!

As long as the Book Depository ships to you, you're in! You can choose from:

Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Old Magic by Marianne Curley
The Named by Marianne Curley
13 to Life by Shannon Delany (of course!!)
Bitten by Kelley Armstrong
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
Inside (Inside Out & Outside In) by Maria V. Snyder
Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison

*Naturally, you will get whatever the current cover is, I just chose the cover design that I have when I first bought said book!

Check out the other blogs participating as well here, at Kathy's website. For some reason I can never get the list to show up on my blog post. Not super tech smart or friendly, so yeah, after awhile I grew tried of seeing "error!"