Jan 18, 2013

Review--Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris

It's vampire politics as usual around the town of Bon Temps, but never before have they hit so close to Sookie's heart...

Growing up with telepathic abilities, Sookie Stackhouse realized early on that there are things she'd rather not know. And now that she's an adult, she also realizes that some things she knows about, she'd rather not see--like Eric Northman feeding off another woman. A younger one.

There's a thing or two she'd like to say about that, but she has to keep quiet--Felipe de Castro, the vampire King of Louisiana (and Arkansas and Nevada), is in town. It's the worst possible time for a human body to show up in Eric's front yard--especially the body of the woman whose blood he just drank.

Now it's up to Sookie and Bill, the official Area Five investigator, to solve the murder. Sookie thinks that, at least this time, the dead girl's fate has nothing to do with her. But she is wrong. She has an enemy, one far more devious than she would ever suspect, who's set out to make Sookie's world come crashing down.

Well to wrap-up my last good week of reading, I decided to read Charlaine Harris's Deadlocked, as the series is just about to end in a few short months! This series has definitely been a wild ride, with its ups and downs. Deadlocked, though, seemed to return to the series beginning, in the fact that there was a stronger mystery element. This series used to be called the Southern Vampire Mysteries, but eventually turned into the Sookie Stackhouse Novels.

Moving on...Sookie catches Eric drinking from another woman, in her bedroom at his house. She doesn't know how to feel. There's definitely a mix of emotions over this, hurt, betrayal, yet knowing that the man has to eat--no pun intended. But then things get drastically out of hand when that very woman winds up dead in Eric's front yard. Although, surprisingly, Sookie and Bill don't automatically team up to solve the murder like I was led to believe. In fact, it's past the halfway mark when they team up to do anything. Not that that was an issue for me.

There's also more development in the fae front. Claude and Dermot are still living with her, but the issues with the fae in general are growing. Especially when Niall, Sookie's great grandfather makes an appearance, despite the portals to faery and the human world being closed.

Unfortunately, I felt like there wasn't a great deal of trying to solve the murder. True, it was a present problem and one of the main ones for the story, but Sookie went on with life as usual. And the vampire politics were becoming a greater problem as well. It's safe to say, Sookie's world is falling apart. Her relationship with Eric takes some rocky turns, and it's not just the whole drinking from a younger woman who is then murdered, deal either. The vampire Queen of Oklahoma still has her eyes on Eric and plans on doing whatever possible to make him hers.

The pacing was a kind of mixed one, I felt like it was well paced, yet at times it felt like the action, was simply watching Sookie do too many ordinary everyday things. Which I get have to happen, but I wanted action! I wanted mystery solving! I wanted something to happen besides Sookie signing for the beer delivery.

I am still curious to see how this series is going to end soon. The ending was quite good in this one! Lots of things happened and I really didn't get the murderer down like I thought I would! I was close though! Very close, but I won't say how or why! There were a few shocks at the end, besides the murderer reveal and I was gasping with OMG moment-ness, before the next thing happened that totally blew me away.

The romance was kind of lacking this time around. Which makes sense I suppose, since Sookie and Eric are having issues. Bill was there again, and I can't help myself for liking him more and more. I was all for Eric a few books back, but then due to recent events, say the past two books or so, he's upset me. And Bill is still there for Sookie. Quinn even steps into the picture for a bit here, just in phone conversations, but what with the next book's cover, my mind is reeling with the possibilities to this series' finale!

So all in all, it was a good read. 

Overall rating 3.5/5 stars--note that this is almost 4 star quality, it was just a tad too mundane in the middle for me, if anything we can call this 3.75 stars!