Jan 13, 2013

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

I had a pretty good week this week! Didn't get to buy too much, but still received quite a bit of goodies!!

First off I bought for myself:

Rise by Andrea Cremer

Then I received from my fellow blogger pay Nereyda @ Mostly YA Book Obsessed:

 Foretold by Jana Oliver

Thanks, Nereyda!!

Then I received from the publisher for review:

 Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout (ARC)

Thanks Kate and Spencer Hill Press! 

Then I initially got this as a birthday gift, but then I had to return it and get a different size and that arrived this week too:

This totally awesome t-shirt with an incredibly awesome quote: I cannot sleep unless I am surrounded by books. And since I just showed off my bookshelves this week, you know how true that is for me!!

Then another t-shirt that I had to buy...really wasn't going to keep buying shirts, but when I saw this one on Shirt.Woot, I knew I HAD to have it!

Made even more perfect since I do wear glasses!! I thought it was too cute to pass up!

And then I finally, FINALLY, after nearly 2 months of searching after I first saw the Disney Pop bookmarks, I finally found the last one I wanted:

 Maleficent! I now have this one to add to my Ariel, Belle and Tinkerbell! Maleficent was the villain in my second favorite Disney princess movie, Sleeping Beauty, so I thought I HAD to have it! And after searching several, several Targets, I found it! I definitely did a happy dance yesterday when I saw it among the remaining Pop bookmarks!

And that was my incredible mailbox this week! What did you get?