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This week's topic is: Favorite Sci-Fi TV Series!
*in no particular order
This one might be tough, since I am not 100% sure if these shows are classified as "sci-fi", but I am giving it a go!!
This was the first show to come to mind! Sure it only had 3 seasons, but I soooo loved it!! And it definitely fits the bill in sci-fi!
I'm going to call this sci-fi, there's a lot of paranormal weirdness going on that I think it's a pretty good fit!
So yeah, we're seeing a paranormal theme. Like I said, I don't watch a lot of hard sci-fi. No alien shows for me or the typical kind of sci-fi. But in my defense, these paranormal shows are like the paranormal books I read, which are shelved in sci-fi/fantasy. So it's close, right?
I still need to watch the season 4 DVDs, but I cannot wait to do so!!
Yeah, I ran out of shows I could justify classifying sci-fi, so I decided to pick the old Twilight Zone episodes! I enjoy watching these occasionally! Especially on the New Years marathon! They are quite funny!