Google Reader is headed out tomorrow, tears...really, tears!!
Be sure to follow via Bloglovin! Or one of the other ways to follow my blog! Don't want to lose any of you guys!
On my right sidebar, you'll see what is the old GFC--tears!, Email Subscription, Linky Followers and of course Bloglovin! Be sure to click one of them and continue to follow me! I recommend Bloglovin because it does seem to be the easiest and most like Blogger and Google Reader.
Jun 30, 2013
Movie Review--Monsters University
So I went to see Monsters University today, when Mike met Sulley...
It was pretty good, not like I had been hoping it to be, but still entertaining. There were times when it was a little slow, but still a cute movie overall.
Although, I wasn't too impressed with Pixar's short clip The Blue Umbrella. *Feel free to skip this paragraph as it just sums up the short clip.* It wasn't very cartoony, expect for the umbrella's faces and some of the faces that you could see on the street that were things like a drain pipe, windows, mailbox, etc. The blue umbrella sees a red umbrella and thinks she's cute. They get separated by their owners, then the blue one gets caught up in the wind and starts getting blown all over. The street objects try to help it get to safety and then it finally ends when the blue umbrella finds the red umbrella via their owners sitting down to chat. Yeah, weird.
The movie itself was cute. It opens up with little kid Mike, who tends to be forgotten since he's so small--so sad! And how he wants to be the best "scarer" ever and work at Monsters Inc. And in order to do that he studies hard and gets into Monsters University where he attends the Scare School, so he can major in scaring and be a "scarer".
James Sullivan is also there and he's a typical jock/jerk. He gets by easily because he's big and has a nice roar. The frat houses easily take a liking to him. Mike is the nerd. He studies hard and knows all about scaring...he's just not very good at it.
After the two's rivalry gets in the way, they are expelled from Scare school and have to go to the more mundane schools at Monsters U. But then Mike has a plan to get himself back into the game and participate in the Scare Fest! If he and the OK frat house can win the competition, they can all attend the Scare school. Only thing is, he's needs Sulley to qualify.
And so begins the bonds of friendship!
Like I said, the movie had it's slow parts, but there were times that it was really cute. And funny. Mike is the go getter, he never gives up and just keeps trying even when everyone tells him he's not really scary material. There are some good lessons thrown in about working together and being nice, and of course, never giving up.
The movie just didn't have the same entertainment as the first one did. I guess because Boo was there! The little 2 year old? really kept those monsters on their toes.
There were a few recognizable characters popping in as well. And we get to see how the rivalry between Sulley and Randall starts.
Overall it was a cute movie, but just not as spectacular as the first one. But then again, what sequel ever really surpasses the first one?
Overall Rating 3.85/5 stars--very close to 4, but just not quite at that level. Still a must see for any Monsters Inc. or Disney fan!
It was pretty good, not like I had been hoping it to be, but still entertaining. There were times when it was a little slow, but still a cute movie overall.
Although, I wasn't too impressed with Pixar's short clip The Blue Umbrella. *Feel free to skip this paragraph as it just sums up the short clip.* It wasn't very cartoony, expect for the umbrella's faces and some of the faces that you could see on the street that were things like a drain pipe, windows, mailbox, etc. The blue umbrella sees a red umbrella and thinks she's cute. They get separated by their owners, then the blue one gets caught up in the wind and starts getting blown all over. The street objects try to help it get to safety and then it finally ends when the blue umbrella finds the red umbrella via their owners sitting down to chat. Yeah, weird.
The movie itself was cute. It opens up with little kid Mike, who tends to be forgotten since he's so small--so sad! And how he wants to be the best "scarer" ever and work at Monsters Inc. And in order to do that he studies hard and gets into Monsters University where he attends the Scare School, so he can major in scaring and be a "scarer".
James Sullivan is also there and he's a typical jock/jerk. He gets by easily because he's big and has a nice roar. The frat houses easily take a liking to him. Mike is the nerd. He studies hard and knows all about scaring...he's just not very good at it.
After the two's rivalry gets in the way, they are expelled from Scare school and have to go to the more mundane schools at Monsters U. But then Mike has a plan to get himself back into the game and participate in the Scare Fest! If he and the OK frat house can win the competition, they can all attend the Scare school. Only thing is, he's needs Sulley to qualify.
And so begins the bonds of friendship!
Like I said, the movie had it's slow parts, but there were times that it was really cute. And funny. Mike is the go getter, he never gives up and just keeps trying even when everyone tells him he's not really scary material. There are some good lessons thrown in about working together and being nice, and of course, never giving up.
The movie just didn't have the same entertainment as the first one did. I guess because Boo was there! The little 2 year old? really kept those monsters on their toes.
There were a few recognizable characters popping in as well. And we get to see how the rivalry between Sulley and Randall starts.
Overall it was a cute movie, but just not as spectacular as the first one. But then again, what sequel ever really surpasses the first one?
Overall Rating 3.85/5 stars--very close to 4, but just not quite at that level. Still a must see for any Monsters Inc. or Disney fan!
Cover Copy Reveal--Taste of Darkness
Eeeeep!!!!!! Saw this on Imperial Beach Teen Blog and I HAD to share!
I LOOOOOOVE Maria's books as you may all know! Cannot wait to see how this one ends, especially after that doozie of a cliffhanger Maria left us! The year cannot end fast enough!
Taste of Darkness releases December 31, 2013
She's fought death and won. But how can she fight her fears?
Avry knows hardship and trouble. She fought the plague and survived. She took on King Tohon and defeated him. But now her heart-mate, Kerrick, is missing, and Avry fears he's gone forever.
But there's a more immediate theat. The Skeleton King plots to claim the Fifteen Realms for his own. With armies in disarray and the dead not staying down, Avry's healing powers are needed now more than ever.Torn between love and loyalty, Avry must choose her path carefully. For the future of her world depends on her decision.
I LOOOOOOVE Maria's books as you may all know! Cannot wait to see how this one ends, especially after that doozie of a cliffhanger Maria left us! The year cannot end fast enough!
Taste of Darkness releases December 31, 2013
Stacking the Shelves
This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.
Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
I had a pretty good week! Got more than I should've but I forgot I preordered a bunch of things and some arrived early even!
Two books that I ordered that were just keeper copies since I read the ARCs were:
Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
I had a pretty good week! Got more than I should've but I forgot I preordered a bunch of things and some arrived early even!
Two books that I ordered that were just keeper copies since I read the ARCs were:
Weather Witch by Shannon Delany
Hidden by Marianne Curley
Had to add these to my collection since they were great reads and I love the covers and adore the authors!
Then books I bought that I need to read are:
Deadly Forecast by Victoria Laurie
Hunted by Kevin Hearne
Roaring Midnight by Colleen Gleason
Then awhile back I won Vonnie's, at Vonnie's Reading Corner, Blogoversary giveaway, and won my choice of a book at the Book Depository and I chose:
After Daybreak by J.A. London
Thanks, Vonnie!
And then I did Elizabeth Black's Where's Phoenix contest, like I did last year for Black City, and got me some more signed bookmarks! Couldn't resist participating again!
And that's what I got this week! What did you get?
Jun 29, 2013
Top 5 Sundays
Top 5 Sundays is a weekly blog meme created by Larissa at Larissa's Bookish Life.
Every Sunday I will post a TOP 5 list
on the blog. It can be about anything and every week I'll have a new
theme {You can vote on next week’s theme on my left sidebar!} and I will
ad the Mr.Linky bellow the post so you can do a list with the theme and
add you link to it.
Oh man! I just did this kind of post on Tuesday with ten picks!! Click the titles to see my reviews!
1 - Write a post listing your TOP 5 choices within the theme I chose (or was chosen on a poll) for the week.
2 - Mention this Blog on the post and link back to it.
3 - Feel free to use the Feature's image (there is a smaller size version of it bellow)
4 - After you've finished your post,
add you link (of the post, not your blog's main page) to the Mr.Linky at
the end of that week's post.
5 – If you don’t have a blog to post, just leave your list in the comments =)
This week's topic is: Best Books of 2013 so far!
*in no particular order
by Cecy Robson
Loved this one! A great followup to the first one! Looking forward to seeing where this series goes!
by Tara Hudson
As emotional as this one was, I still very much enjoyed it! It truly did end as it should.
by Rachel Hawkins
This was a fun, spunky little read with an interesting twist!
by Keri Arthur
Can we say OMG?! This one was just wicked awesome! So many twists and revelations! Cannot wait for the next one!
by Jocelynn Drake
Another fabulous read in the dark and gritty world of Urban Fantasy! Looking forward to more of Jocelynn's newest series!
I was just checking my email, which is where all the lovely comments I get on my posts get sent to, and THE Marianne Curley commented on my review of Hidden!!
As you might know I LOOOOVED her earlier works and very much enjoyed her latest debut Hidden! Check out my review here and you'll also see Marianne's comment there!
I'm in Blogger/Reviewer heaven right now!
As you might know I LOOOOVED her earlier works and very much enjoyed her latest debut Hidden! Check out my review here and you'll also see Marianne's comment there!
I'm in Blogger/Reviewer heaven right now!
Jun 28, 2013
Review--Destined by Jessie Harrell
When Psyche receives a prophecy gone horribly wrong, she learns that even the most beautiful girl in Greece can have a hideous future. Her fate? Fall in love with the one creature even the gods fear.
As she feels herself slipping closer into the arms of the prophecy, Psyche must choose between the terrifyingly tender touch she feels almost powerless to resist and the one constant she's come to expect out of life: you cannot escape what is destined.
I dug this one out of the bottom of my TBR pile, Jessie Harrell's Destined is a re-telling of the Eros and Psyche myth. I remembered reading that myth, but if memory recalls, it didn't have a happy ending. That is where Destined differs from the myth!
The novel pretty much plays out the myth in a longer telling. Psyche is a favorite of Aphrodite's for some reason and she has decided to make Psyche her daughter--the gods and goddesses can do that you know--and her first gift to Psyche is marriage to her son Eros. But Eros is a pretty arrogant jerk and was rude even to his mother, Psyche is not pleased and says she wouldn't want to marry him anyway and basically causes the mother of all arguments between her and Aphrodite.
When trying to enact a little revenge on Psyche on his mother's part, Eros hesitates with magical arrows, the ones that make people fall in love, he's about to make her fall in love with some hideous dolt, but he stops and ends up scraping himself with the arrow and lo and behold he falls in love with her instead.
I started thinking then that there's a case of insta-love, albeit one-sided, but the story really takes you by surprise. Much like in the myth, Psyche goes to face uncertain doom, only to find herself in a castle with invisible servants and visited nightly by a shadowy mass, where she can only see his eyes, but he proclaims to love her. The story definitely rang true of some of the original Beauty and the Beast fairy tale elements, since the latter is based off the former slightly.
But when Psyche takes the ill advice of her sister who was petty and downright ornery, Psyche screws everything up and Eros leaves her. Now she will have to track him down and find him to tell him she was wrong and profess her love for him. As she was falling in love with him prior to her sister's comments. Along the way she learns something about herself that was kept secret that is totally mind-blowing. She also has some tasks to complete if she ever wants a chance to explain herself to Eros.
I generally liked this one. It read like a Greek myth and a fairy tale in some ways. One thing that bugged me though was some of the language. A lot of it was way too modern, like it was taking place in the now instead of ancient Greece, since Psyche and others are all toga-clad, and there were other signs that the time was not present day. It got just a touch annoying because it's like, why would you say that?
Another tidbit that annoyed me was the mentioning of a past love of Eros. Not sure if this was a creation of the author's or if there is a myth somewhere that I haven't read--both completely possible! It just gets mentioned a few times, but there's never an explanation to how Eros had been hurt by love before.
I really did like this one despite those few annoyances. Psyche didn't fall in love with Eros right away, so yay for no insta-love. It's very much like Beauty and the Beast where Belle--yes, referring to Disney's version!--didn't care for the Beast's attitude at first but then grew to like him and then love him. I think in part that's why I enjoyed this book as much as I did. I haven't read the original myth in forever, but I don't think its ending was so happy. So I much enjoyed a happy ending here.
For fans of Greek mythology and fairy tales this is definitely one read you simply must look into!
Overall Rating 4/5 stars
Jun 27, 2013
Follow Friday
This is a weekly blog meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.
Here are the general rules to Follow Friday:
Here are the general rules to Follow Friday:
1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts and any one else you want to follow on the list
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
8. If your new to the follow Friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
This week's topic is: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?
MY ANSWER: Oh, no doubt about it definitely real books. Be they hardcover or paperback it doesn't really matter. I read a few ebooks, but I tend to buy the real book vs the ebook about 99% of the time!
I guess in the long run I really like Mass Market Paperbacks best! They always fit in my purse easier than the trade or the Hardcovers. There were times I would carry big ol' whopping purses to hold a Hardcover, but I don't really have need for that these days. That was more so when I was in school and wanted to read during recess--I mean really, what 12 year old really wants recess outside playing anyway? I always sat where we had to line up and read my book!
I guess in the long run I really like Mass Market Paperbacks best! They always fit in my purse easier than the trade or the Hardcovers. There were times I would carry big ol' whopping purses to hold a Hardcover, but I don't really have need for that these days. That was more so when I was in school and wanted to read during recess--I mean really, what 12 year old really wants recess outside playing anyway? I always sat where we had to line up and read my book!
Review--Kitty Rocks the House by Carrie Vaughn
On the heels of Kitty's return from London, a new werewolf shows up in Denver, one who threatens to split the pack by challenging Kitty's authority at every turn. The timing could not be worse; Kitty needs all the allies she can muster to go against the ancient vampire Roman if she's to have any hope of defeating his Long Game. But there's more to this intruder than there seems, and Kitty must uncover the truth, fast.
Meanwhile, bounty hunter Cormac pursues an unknown entity wreaking havoc across Denver, and a vampire from the Order of St. Lazaurus tempts Rick, the master vampire of Denver, with the means to transform his life forever.
Carrie Vaughn's Kitty Rocks the House was a good read, not great, but still good. As I mentioned before in my previous review of the last Kitty book, I feel like I don't know where this series is headed. It's been going on for so long now, that I don't see a clear ending in sight. There is mentioning of this Long Game, Roman is planning that basically will bring nothing but wrought and destruction it seems, but the Long Game doesn't take place this time around.
In this one, Kitty finds herself with her hands full, as usual. She's still in a bit of hot water from her remarks on her radio show about vampires and the Long Game, so she's had to have her boss monitor her shows. If that wasn't enough, there's a new lone wolf in town who wants to join Kitty's pack, yet he is challenging her authority at every turn.
There's also a new vampire in town, Columban, someone who wants to see Rick. Kitty isn't too sure about this vamp. He claims to be a priest of sorts and he's wanted for causing a fire. But when Rick goes missing, Kitty suddenly finds herself wanting to know more and more about this Columban.
This one really threw me for some reason. I guess I am not seeing the point to these novels anymore, not that all series have a game plan in mind, but there has to be something happening that makes you feel more involved...? I don't know, I'm even struggling to explain this. I still read the books, so there is something to them that has me coming back.
Kitty is a strong heroine, she's grown quite a lot and has faced her share of challenges. Although, still not too happy with her choice in romantic partner, but that ship has sailed. But I think because Kitty and Ben are married now, there doesn't seem to be any more romance between them. I haven't read the other books in years since their releases, but I just feel like there should be something more between them since they're married. We do get to see their feelings for one another and how they stand by each other in tough times, but even me, someone who doesn't read romances, wants just a little romance in the book! Never thought I'd hear myself say that!
I was kind of confused with Cormac's role in this one, with Amelia--still not too sure about her, but this one had me wondering if I should trust her, weird I know--he was doing a few tasks for Kitty and then suddenly we're talking about him dealing with something evil? And when this evil pops up near the end, I was left baffled because for some reason I didn't see this coming.
The ending does leave you with a surprise or two. One involving a member of Kitty's family, which I didn't understand the sudden appearance of. So it makes me wonder if something will happen to this family member in a future book and we're setting the scene now. As I tend to say, only time will tell...
Overall Rating 3/5 stars
Random Thursday
So have I ever shared some of my favorite Etsy shops with you guys? I love shopping on Etsy because I like finding unique jewelry there! I don't really buy from regular stores anymore! So every time I am showing you guys some jewelry piece I bought, it's from an Etsy shop!
Some of my faves are:
Space Pearls, Kayla-Marie has some really nice pieces that can be fairy tale related as well as other fantasy-ish pieces! She also has Hunger Games and Harry Potter items too!
Some of my faves are:
Space Pearls, Kayla-Marie has some really nice pieces that can be fairy tale related as well as other fantasy-ish pieces! She also has Hunger Games and Harry Potter items too!
Treasured Charms, this one is has some simple charmed necklaces but I love looking at them! There's a lot of variety too!
Bella Lili, this one's not an Etsy shop anymore. It started as one, but now she runs her own website. I LOVE her stuff! Her pieces are just so awesome! I bought quite a lot from her back on Etsy, and I browse her shop nearly every day looking at her newest items. Her stuff is very lovely and handcrafted and are pretty unique too!
Jun 26, 2013
Cover Copy Reveals--Arthur, Robson & White
Yeah, still sick and sluggish, but felt obligated to share some cover art reveals that ATUF posted earlier today! Here are some of my fave authors' covers for their next release:
Holy cow! First I love the cover! Looks so kick ass and I am becoming more and more of a fan of purple since my high school days are long behind me! Love it! Sounds like an incredible read too! Not sure how many books are supposed to be in this series, and while bits and pieces of this one's plot sound final, I don't think it is.
Darkness Splintered releases November 5, 2013
OOh loving the cover here too! Sounds like a fab read as well! Can't wait to read this one since the last one ended with a mini cliffhanger of sorts!
Cursed by Destiny releases January 7, 2014
I like the cove here too! Similar to the first in style, but more stunning I think since we can see her eyes! Not sure if this is supposed to be Annie or Fia. I felt kind of so-so about Mind Games but still might give this one a try before calling it quits.
Perfect Lies releases February 18, 2014
When Risa loses the second key to hell, she angers several powerful people, and she’s starting to feel the pressure from all sides. She gets a visit from her father, who gives her an ultimatum: Get back the key or he will kill her friends.
Risa also finds herself under the scrutiny of the vampire council, some of whom consider her a monster who should be destroyed. But they offer her a bloody bargain: Take on the lethal head of the council, Madeline Hunter, and others will support her.
As the search for the keys to hell heats up, Risa realizes that she has no choice. For the sake of the people she loves, she must find the keys — and get rid of Hunter — before the second gate is opened and brings the world closer to all hell breaking loose...
Holy cow! First I love the cover! Looks so kick ass and I am becoming more and more of a fan of purple since my high school days are long behind me! Love it! Sounds like an incredible read too! Not sure how many books are supposed to be in this series, and while bits and pieces of this one's plot sound final, I don't think it is.
Darkness Splintered releases November 5, 2013
Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other 20-something girls—with one tiny exception: they're products of a backfired curse that has given each of them unique powers that make them, well, weird…
Celia’s a girl in trouble. Her heart is bound to Aric, but he is a pureblood were who must deny her or risk condemning his species to extinction. And that’s just her love life. She’s also been called to take down a group of demon terrorists looking to overthrow the paranormal world. (No pressure.)
In order to bring them down, Celia must ally herself to Misha, the master vampire who has made no secret of his desire for her.
And if that weren’t enough misfortune for one girl, a clairvoyant’s prediction could destroy Celia and Aric’s love for good. The only way to protect the world from unbridled supernatural terrorism is for Celia to bind herself to her destined mate. And that doesn’t appear to be Aric.
OOh loving the cover here too! Sounds like a fab read as well! Can't wait to read this one since the last one ended with a mini cliffhanger of sorts!
Cursed by Destiny releases January 7, 2014
Annie and Fia are ready to fight back.
The sisters have been manipulated and controlled by the Keane Foundation for years, trapped in a never ending battle for survival. Now they have found allies who can help them truly escape. After faking her own death, Annie has joined a group that is plotting to destroy the Foundation. And Fia is working with James Keane to bring his father down from the inside.
But Annie's visions of the future can't show her who to trust in the present. And though James is Fia's first love, Fia knows he's hiding something. The sisters can rely only on each other - but that may not be enough to save them.
I like the cove here too! Similar to the first in style, but more stunning I think since we can see her eyes! Not sure if this is supposed to be Annie or Fia. I felt kind of so-so about Mind Games but still might give this one a try before calling it quits.
Perfect Lies releases February 18, 2014
Ugh, the last night of my vacation I caught my mom's cold so now I am sick with a head cold. Sore throat, headache and just all over yuckiness.
Blogging may be sparse the next few days, I'll still gaze around but I likely won't be commenting as thoroughly for awhile. Sorry guys!
Blogging may be sparse the next few days, I'll still gaze around but I likely won't be commenting as thoroughly for awhile. Sorry guys!
Waiting on Wednesday
I hate waiting...
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.When her father died, Honor Tate inherited the alpha position for a pack of werewolves based in New England. But why her? Honor would have rather just lived a “normal” life, with the occasional run through the woods in her furry suit. Still, Honor was raised to put the welfare of the pack first…and now it’s time to make a formal request that the alpha of the Silverback clan—the pack to which all locals owe fealty—recognize her as alpha of the White Paw. But instead of sending his support, the Silverbacks send Logan Hunter.
Logan Hunter would do anything to protect the Silverbacks—but his devotion comes with a price. For years he has been fighting his alpha instincts and the need for his own pack. But all that changes when Logan is sent on a mission to find out whether the new White Paw alpha really has what it takes to carry on her father’s legacy. Powerful, spirited, and downright gorgeous Honor exceeds his expectations…and leaves him howling for more. Could it be that he’s finally found his alpha mate? Or will old enemies, dueling loyalties, and an appetite for destruction stop him dead in his tracks?
This series is pretty good! Started it just this year I think and I've been reading the books in the order Christine fashioned them versus their publishing order, which was a messy story. But after I read this one I can continue with the rest of the already published ones and continue to move forward from here on out!
TITLE: Hungry Like the Wolf
AUTHOR: Christine Warren
PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Paperbacks
GENRE: Paranormal Romance
RELEASE DATE: July 2, 2013
In New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine’s latest Revivalist novel, Bryn Davis’s problems quickly turn from dead to worse…
Already addicted to the pharmaceutical drug that keeps her body from decomposing, Bryn has to stop a secretive group of rich and powerful investors from eliminating the existing Returné addicts altogether. To ensure their plan to launch a new, military-grade strain of nanotech, the investors’ undead assassin—who just happens to be the ex-wife of Bryn’s lover Patrick—is on the hunt for anyone that stands in their way.
And while Bryn’s allies aren’t about to go down without a fight, the secret she’s been keeping threatens to put those closest to her in even more danger. Poised to become a monster that her own side—and her own lover—will have to trap and kill, Bryn needs to find the cure to have any hope of preserving the lives of her friends, and her own dwindling humanity…
I continue to remain one book behind in so many of my series, I guess that's better than being too far behind. At worst I'm like 2 books behind in others...
TITLE: Terminated
AUTHOR: Rachel Caine
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: August 6, 2013
Daemon will do anything to get Katy back.
After the successful but disastrous raid on Mount Weather, he’s facing the impossible. Katy is gone. Taken. Everything becomes about finding her. Taking out anyone who stands in his way? Done. Burning down the whole world to save her? Gladly. Exposing his alien race to the world? With pleasure.
All Katy can do is survive.
Surrounded by enemies, the only way she can come out of this is to adapt. After all, there are sides of Daedalus that don’t seem entirely crazy, but the group’s goals are frightening and the truths they speak even more disturbing. Who are the real bad guys? Daedalus? Mankind? Or the Luxen?
Together, they can face anything.
But the most dangerous foe has been there all along, and when the truths are exposed and the lies come crumbling down, which side will Daemon and Katy be standing on? And will they even be together?
AHHH!! Who isn't waiting for this bad boy?! Granted some of you might not be, but OMG I soooo cannot wait to read this one! Still kicking myself for reading the last one knowing people were complaining about its ending! This is what I get for not waiting! More agonizing waiting!! And still no cover! :(
TITLE: Origin
AUTHOR: Jennifer L. Armentrout
PUBLISHER: Entangled Publishing
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: August 27, 2013
Jun 25, 2013
Graphic Novel Review--Soulless: The Manga Vol. 2 by Gail Carriger & Rem
Settling into her new life as the Lady Woolsey, Alexia finds her days quite challenging. Whether it is a regiment of supernatural soldiers camped out on her front lawn or the demands of being the Queen’s “muhjah,” there never seems to be a want of new hurdles to overcome. But when stories of supernaturals rendered normal by some unknown force begin cropping up, Alexia has a rather serious mystery on her hands. Can she root out the cause of this phenomenon, which smacks of some larger plot at work?
Gail Carriger and Rem's second installment, Soulless: The Manga Vol. 2 was just as delightful as the first! Based off of Changeless, the second novel in the Parasol Protectorate series, Alexia is getting used to married life, but being married to an alpha werewolf is not all that easy. Especially when problems with the werewolves start to occur and they are unable to shift. It'll be up to Alexia to try to figure out what has happened.
Another delightful tale shortened into a graphic novel! This one was just as enjoyable as the first! I love seeing the characters. Especially Ivy, she really takes a shine on me in this one since she gets more page time. Her hats are pretty wild as Gail had previously described, but for a few of them I always thought they'd be more outrageous, but they were by far from tamed! And her dilemma of a love life is pretty comical when it can be seen manga-nized! The expressions the characters have are too funny!
Professor Lyall is also surprising, and yet not I guess. His character is drawn almost remorsefully, but from my memory of his written character he was kind of a mellow guy being Conall's Beta and all.
Seeing Madame Lefoux was to die for as well. For some reason I struggled imagining her in the books, but seeing her on the graphic novel page and I knew that this was Madame Lefoux! She stayed true to her character and I just enjoyed actually seeing it!
Once again, I enjoyed the expressions these manga characters made. They were just so right for the character and the timing of whatever situation.
The storytelling was as wonderful as before. My lack of memory made the reading nice because in some areas it was if I was reading it for the first time! Although at certain points my memory did come back and was ahead of itself!
The romantic moments were a little few and far between in this one. Conall and Alexia weren't together for long on the pages. And then came the ending! Luckily I've read the book series or else I would be in the horrible state of cliffhanger pains like I was when I read the book Changeless! But still, it will be an awfully long wait til November for Volume 3 on the manga books.
I recommend these graphic novels for anyone who has read the Parasol Protectorate novels because they are highly enjoyable. And as I've said, very fun reads since we get to see the characters and storytelling. Plus they are rather quick reads too!
Overall Rating 5/5 stars
Graphic Novel Review--Soulless: The Manga Vol. 1 by Gail Carriger & Rem
The life of a spinster in Victorian London isn't an easy one on the best of days, but such a life becomes infinitely more complicated when said spinster is "soulless" - a preternatural bridging the gap between the natural and supernatural worlds. Miss Alexia Tarabotti has this unique distinction, and when she is assailed at a formal gathering by a rove vampire, an encounter that results in the death of the half-starved creature, her circumstances become exponentially more complicated indeed! Now caught up in an intrigue with life or death stakes, Alexia must rely on all her talents to outmatch the forces conspiring against her, but it may be the man who has caught her eye - Lord Conall Maccon - and their budding flirtation that truly drives her to her wit's end!
I so love the graphic novels that get based off already favorite full length novels! And Gail Carriger's Soulless: The Manga Vol. 1 is definitely pure awesomeness! The illustrator Rem did a fabulous job at bringing to life all Gail's characters and settings.
Since it's been forever since I actually read Soulless, this was a nice way to re-read it, without actually re-reading the whole novel. I recall bits and pieces of the story, so the shortened version wasn't all too new for me, I was able to remember some details and Rem and Gail put it together beautifully in this graphic novel.
This one's actually a manga, I am not very knowledgeable in this area--graphic novels, manga, comic books--to me I feel like there might be differences, I just don't know what they are. But Goodreads and pretty much all book sites call this one a manga. I remember my days of Sailor Moon and some of the expressions the characters would make at highly intense moments of some kind, and that is seen here. Whether it was anger, surprise, shock, or something more positive, it was all done wonderfully!
There were even a few pages in the beginning done in color which was fabulous! Although, I quickly got used to the black and white. I loved seeing faces to the characters I only read about before. And since it's been so long since I read the books, it was nice seeing a face that wasn't one I imagined--not that it would've been very detailed.
I thought that this one stayed pretty true to the storyline. Alexia's family is the same as always, being somewhat cruel at times. Her sisters were just annoying. Conall was so deliciously wonderful! I looooved seeing his interactions with Alexia. Which brings me to the romance. If I thought reading those scenes made me swoon, seeing them really really makes me swoon! It was done tastefully too, since we know that Alexia and Conall get very physical, we get to see that without it being totally crude.
I really loved reading this one! Stay tuned for my review of Soulless: The Manga Vol. 2!
Overall Rating 5/5 stars
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