This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Why did you start a book blog? (submitted by Julie @ JadeSky)
MY ANSWER: Ooh fun question! I know I've talked about it before, but I'll tell it again! My blog started on January 29, 2009 when I was trying create an "extra entry" for a Rachel Vincent contest! The more places you could post a review for her books, the better! So when she mentioned a blog post, I thought...I could do that!
So I think I just googled "writing a blog" and came across Blogger and chose a simple template and wrote my first and-very-scary-to-read review! Lol. Though I didn't end up winning the contest, I thought it would be fun to keep the blog as a place to talk about the books I read, since I didn't have "real life" friends who liked books as much as I do! And so that's what I've been doing for almost 13 years now!!