Dec 31, 2021

The Backlist Reader Challenge 2022

The Backlist Reader Challenge (#BacklistReader) encourages us to read those older books that have been piling up on our TBR piles or lists for years. And by “older,” I mean books that came out before 2021 (in other words, in 2020 or earlier.)

The challenge runs from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. It ends at midnight in whatever timezone you’re in. You can still post reviews, and link them, up until January 5, 2023, but only for books you finished reading in 2022.

The Rules:

  1. To count for the challenge, books have to be published before 2021 AND already be on your TBR list or pile.  
  2. Create a goals or sign-up post on your blog 

  3. Review the books you read for the challenge, and post your links on the review linky--this is optional

  4. Before January 5, 2023, create and link a wrap-up post  


If you want to read rules in full, click here.


 I'm going to aim for 20!