Jan 15, 2012

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post hosted by Kirsti over at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

I had a pretty decent week considering I don't have any major releases til the end of the month! Still didn't come out empty handed either!!

Some e-books that I got this week were:

Scent of a White Rose by Tish Thawer
Treachery by Andrea Cremer (see review here)
Hereafter by Tara Hudson

Then in the mail finally came a preorder I did that was originally for November:

Dark Swan (graphic novel) by Richelle Mead, Grant Alter & Dave Hamann

My copy looks a little different than this though. It's suppose to have the first three comic issues in it and my cover is white with this Eugenie in the center. Still wicked awesome though!

Then for review I got:

Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter (e-ARC)

Then in a contest I won:

Dark Descendant by Jenna Black*

*I already had this one, but this copy that I won is SIGNED!! And I can't recall which contest I won this in, sorry!

Then I got a SIGNED copy of this book I reviewed early last year:

Half Moon by Jordan Deen

And check this out:

Oh yeah! My first appearance in a book! I was super excited to see that!! And it's at the top of the list too!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

And that was my fantabulous mailbox this week! What did you get?