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This week's question is: If you can step into one characters shoes (in a book) and be them for a
day who would it be and why? Also if you want to be creative what scene?
via Seeing Night Book Reviews
MY ANSWER: Oh...that is a tough one!! There are soooo many heroines I'd love to be in a heartbeat!
Mac from the Fever series, because BARRONS!
Elena from the Otherworld series, because CLAY!
Cat from the Night Huntress series, because, yes, BONES!!
Unnamed heroine from Night Huntress World series, because IAN!! (Yes, I have a favorite heroine in a book that isn't in existence yet, but Jeaniene says IT'S HAPPENING! And she did also say we have met her...but since I have too many unread books I have no time for a series re-read!)
I also want to go with my first favorite YA heroine and that is Jessica--see no name changing necessary, from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's Demon in My View, and yeah Aubrey has a LOT to do with that too! LOL! Plus Jessica was just an awesome character!