Jun 16, 2015

Post of Randomness--DISNEY RELATED!

So every now and then I find myself looking at Jim Shore's website! If you don't already know, Jim Shore is an artist! He creates many different kinds of statues/sculptures. Some Santas, Angels, Snowmen, lots of holiday related pieces...and of course, DISNEY ones!

So naturally my bookshelves have Disney related pieces of his spread throughout. And yet, I still find myself needing more. Because...well, just because! LOL! 

Here are three pieces that I sooo have my eyes on!

Beauty and the Beast is naturally my favorite Disney movie from my childhood! I saw it TWICE in theaters! A very big deal to a four year old! LOL!

I still long for the day Jim creates a smaller one with Belle reading a book, because BELLE and BOOKS! I have the bookend set, but Belle is really, really big! Cinderella has to stay in the box until I have more shelves while Belle is out on a smaller one!

But anywho, this is one piece I love! It also reminds me of my mom, because like me, she loves this movie too. Her favorite part was always when the Beast got covered in birds, so likely right after this moment! ;)

A Mickey Vampire! Because one is never enough! LOL! To be fair, the one I have is a candy dish, currently empty because if I filled it, I'd eat it since it's in my room! This would be practically perfect for everyday use if it weren't for his trick or treat bag, so I'd use this at Halloween when my mom "borrows" my candy dish one, since we technically share that piece! Though he's still out of stock on the website. Likely because he won't be released until July or whatever as he's a "Halloween" piece! Note the quotes! LOL! My other "Halloween" piece of Jim's is a little vampire that sits on my shelves all year round! I believe he was in my Spooktacular giveaway last year because I found him for a steal in a closing store earlier last year!

And the final piece that has my eye is this one! I liked Lilo and Stitch. It was a cute movie and naturally I had mixed feelings when I saw Stitch READING A BOOK statue! I was all SQUEE! Stitch reading a book! But then I was like, wait STITCH reading a book? Not Belle? What?! But then it goes back to SQUEE! Mixed feelings I tell you!

I'd really like to see this guy so I can get a feel for size. I know there's dimensions on the website but that's always so hard to get a real feel for the size and how he'll look on my shelves! But more than likely, I will have to buy this little guy, because STITCH READING A BOOK!!!

So yeah...I have a bit of a Jim Shore addiction too! But to be fair, he mostly gets lumped in my Disney addiction. So it's books and Disney! And STITCH READING A BOOK pretty much fills all those addictions! Hence why I must get him whenever he gets released! According to the website that's not until September 1st. Le sigh...


  1. Aren't these just gorgeous? I have a soft spot for Disney snowglobes and Teapots but out of my budget mainly.

  2. I love these little statues! So great :D I hope you get your hands on them!!

  3. I collect these too! I have massive cruella de ville it's freaking amazing!

  4. I can totally dig these- can't have them in my house right now due to little hands everywhere but maybe one day!

  5. I've lusted after so many Jim Shore pieces over the years, and I was finally able to redeem my Disney Movie Reward points for the Anna and Elsa one this past Christmas. I hope to one to have a huge collection of them, definitely including a few Beauty and the Beast ones because I love that movie!

  6. Hey Jessica!! My name is Lee and I run a blog called Lee The Reader!! I have nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award!! Check it out :D Thanks so much! http://leethereader.blogspot.com/2015/06/beautiful-blogger-award.html

  7. I love Jim Shore! His pieces are so distinctive. I have a tinkerbell and Winnie-the-pooh. I hope to grow my collection someday, but as of right now I don't have the space.

  8. WOW! His stuff is amazing! Had never heard of him before, but now looking at his shop, I definitely need EVERYTHING with my two favorites - Snow White and Elsa! The prices are not bad either! I think I'll save this for when my husband and I buy our first house - it'll be a nice house warming gift to myself.

  9. These are so cute! I've never seen this guy's work but they're really neat. I'd love Beauty and the Beast collectibles. That is my favorite movie of all time. I was obsessed with it as a kid. :) So good!

    My FF!


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