Jun 28, 2015

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

This week was pretty good. Rather tame and I like that just fine! Got a little bombarded with review books. Every time I almost get caught up 2 or 3 more come along. I can't complain, though I do miss reading some of my other TBR books. Might take a break from requesting books once I'm caught up unless there's that MUST HAVE NOW book! 

Okay, moving on!

Here's what I bought:

The Cage by Megan Shepherd
A Book of Spirits and Thieves by Morgan Rhodes
Allegiant by Veronica Roth--UK Copy! I was sooo excited when I saw this at my HPB! I've been hounding the store looking for UK copies of this series and when I saw this one, I made a mad dash/hop (since it was on a higher shelf) and snatched it! No one was in the YA section with me, but with the way I acted, you'd thought I was afraid someone "thought" they might take it instead! Ha! Yeah...I might have gotten tossed out had that happened because it would've resulted in a brawl! ;)

A WIN from Jess at Gone with the Words via the publisher:

The Last Good Day of the Year by Jessica Warman
THANK YOU Jess & Bloomsbury!

What I received for review:

Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine (Early Copy)--as you might already know, I sadly had to DNF this one. I just couldn't get into it and I was nearly 150 pages in. Normally I'd quite around 100 of there's no connection going, but I went a little further since I love the author. While this wasn't my kind of read, I still recommend reading it if you're at all interested in it! I will definitely be checking out Rachel's other upcoming releases in the time to come!
The Werewolf Meets His Match by Kristen Painter (Early Copy)--already read, reviewed, and LOVED!
Led Astray by Kelley Armstrong (ARC)
Crystal Kingdom by Amanda Hocking (ARC)
The Drafter by Kim Harrison (ARC)

THANK YOU NAL, Kristen, Tachyon Publications, St. Martin's Press, Gallery Books, Netgalley, & Edelweiss!!

And one final item that I got that was a bit of a surprise was this:

a $25 B&N gift card! Apparently I spent too much money on my credit card again and earned myself another gift card! Yay? 

So out of the 9 books acquired I only have to read 6! It sounded better in my head when I was saying read it, read it, read it! But yikes! 6?! LOL! 

What did you all get this week?