Did/Does "Back to School" Time Have an Effect on Your Reading?
Since I'm done with school, I can honestly say that back-to-school time did effect my reading, in that I read less when it was school time. School always kept you busy with homework, papers, reports, and studying, add in working part-time as well and yeah...there was very little time to read.
When it was summer, I basically stayed home and read all day! Unless I was working too. But those middle school days when I didn't work, I basically read all day! There were times when I got to go somewhere if I had a ride or whatnot, but yeah, summer was all about reading! I don't think it ever took long for me to get my 600 minutes in for my Six Flags ticket! Do they still do that even? I know my niece did something similar to the program a year or so ago.
I liked that school and Six Flags arranged that! I really think kids need to be encouraged to read more. I mean when I people watch these days, it saddening to see soooo many kids playing on their cell phones. And I mean THEIR cell phones because if parents had those outlandish colored cases and whatnot, just wow. I mean sure, I know that it's possible the phone might actually be the parent's and it's not all the time that I see one that clearly belongs to someone much younger, but still. SOOOO many kids are playing on cell pones. When I was 7 or 8 I was drawing on my kid's menu waiting for the food to come. I was probably more in 4th grade when I got my first Gameboy! And even then, THAT stayed at home because it was sooo expensive!
So I think I answered that question in a roundabout way! But what about you guys? What's your opinion on having it be required that students read a book throughout school that was not required reading? Good idea, bad idea? What are your thoughts?