Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
10 points to whoever can guess this movie! It's a beloved favorite of mine too! And yeah, wowzers!!
"I can't help but laugh, and she does too. There's no denying Bowie's pants from the movie were spectacularly revealing, especially for a kids' movie." p 82
TITLE: Keeper of the Bees
AUTHOR: Meg Kassel
PUBLISHER: Entangled Teen
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: September 4, 2018
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Back to School/Learning Freebie: Books I Read During the School Days!
*in no particular order
10. DEMON IN MY VIEW by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes--will never tire of this one! Lol! Naturally this was one I read in school as it was the book that got me hooked on vampires!
9. OLD MAGIC by Marianne Curley--while looking for more vampire reads, I stumbled upon this one! Magic, time traveling, witches, sorcerers, evil curses...oh yeah...this one had it all! Except vampires, but it still worked for me!
8. THE NAMED by Marianne Curley--I am planning to re-read this series since there was a new installment this year! It had some of the same above but mostly magic and time traveling and trying to protect the timelines! I'll have a better idea of it all when I get back to re-reading it!
7. WICKED: WITCH by Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie--this was a series I immediately took to! Rivaling witch and warlock families yet there's plenty of forbidden romances going on! It was amazing!
6. THE MEDIATOR: SHADOWLAND by Jenny Carroll--probably my first ghost story that I can recall! And it was awesome! You might already know this, as I likely talked about it at some point, but this was one of Meg Cabot's first books after The Princess Diaries. This one involved ghosts and solving mysteries and one Mediator Susannah Simon who reminds me of Veronica Mars to a T!
5. SNOW by Tracy Lynn--one of my first fairy tale retellings (it was a part of a series and might have been book 3?) and it was so incredible! It was pretty close to the original story of Snow White but had some added differences to it that I thought just made it incredible! I re-read this one at least 3 times I think!
4. THE FORBIDDEN GAME by L.J. Smith--this was my first book by L.J. and I LOVED it! I thought the idea of being sucked into a game was creepy and cool! Though it was definitely terrifying for the characters!
3. THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: THE AWAKENING by L.J. Smith--I discovered L.J. had more books out after I read The Forbidden Game and immediately picked up The Vampire Diaries series because VAMPIRES!
2. THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR by Richie Tankersley Cusick--I read this one years ago because it involved ghosts again! I must have donated my copy but when I saw B&N had it in a sale I picked it up again with the intention to re-read it! Sadly they made it more of a trade paperback then it's original mass market size! Even crazier is that the pages are still the in the format for mass market size, so really the only point of this change was to charge more for it! *eyeroll*
1. BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE by Annette Curtis Klause--another early days find! And it involved werewolves! I LOVED this one to pieces!! It still remains to be unlike any werewolf book I've read in the YA genre and perhaps even adult too! I LOVED the storyline and even re-read this puppy a few times way back when, when there wasn't enough new books to read! I don't recommend seeing the movie version though, they totally butchered the book and I mean BUTCHERED!!!