This was a week of epicness! I swear August 7th had the to be the biggest release day of the year for me! Soooo many awesome books came out! And then wonder beyond wonders I was approved for 4 recent requests on Edelweiss! FOUR!!! That seriously never happens! I'm lucky to get one approval! I was blown away when I received that email!
So here's what I bought:
Mother Knows Best by Serena Valentino--I still need to read this series, though I did read the Beast's tale. At the time I wasn't aware that it was a series series, so now I need to go back to the beginning and start there!
Neverwake by Amy Plum--so excited to read this one, but I have no idea when I will be able to get to it!
Echoes by Alice Reeds--a keeper copy and MUST read! This one was soooo awesome you guys! It's like LOST and it's totally twisted and gripping!! A real page-turner!
#murdertrending by Gretchen McNeil--another keeper copy! Sooo excited to read the sequel to this one! I looooved this book!
Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson--a keeper copy, SIGNED! Yes, I drove over 5 hours yesterday to Nashville to get my copy signed and to see Sara and Kristen too!
These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch--SIGNED!
Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas--I decided I wanted to have the special UK edition of this one as well as the US which has been ordered in a subscription box, but I haven't received that one yet. Kudos to Waterstones for getting this one to me during release week! Wasn't expecting it until Monday!
Legendary by Stephanie Garber--Taiwanese edition! I told myself that I would basically only try to collect the first book of Stephanie's, with the exception of all those glorious UK ones of course! But you can see how that has turned out! :P
Then for review from the publishers I received:
The Fade by Demitria Lunetta (ARC)
Sherwood by Meagan Spooner (ARC)
Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye (ARC)
The Blood Spell by C.J. Redwine (ARC)
Through the White Wood by Jessica Leake (ARC)
Needless to say I was shocked when I got my Edelweiss email! I had to do a double take to make sure I was reading APPROVED and not DECLINED! Lol!
A HUGE THANK YOU to HarperTeen, Balzer + Bray, & Delacorte Press!
Then I received some swag and bought myself another delightful bookish t-shirt from Shirt.Woot because I couldn't resist...even though I couldn't stand the candy growing up! I wasn't really into sour or tart candy!
Preorder swag for Dance of Thieves--a die cut bookmark!
Preorder swag for The Cheerleaders--an iron on patch!
Then I got these super cool buttons from Mary's tour stop yesterday!! I already need a new button banner! Though I need to reorganize some of them. But I've been lazy!
And finally, my newest bookish t-shirt! If you look closely, you can see the little thingy reading a book is a Nerd dude. I liked the irony of it so I had to buy it!
And that was my very exciting week! What did you all get this week with such a glorious release day among it?