This was a pretty decent week, book wise! Real life wise it was kind of stressful and that stress will likely not be going anywhere anytime soon!
But onto happier and bookish things! Here's what I got this week...
Nightblood by Elly Blake
Nightblood by Elly Blake--UK edition! I love this series' covers so much! The US ones are gorgeous and the UK ones are stunning as well, so basically I have to have them ALL!
The Prince by Jennifer L. Armentrout--I decided at the end of last week that I needed a keeper physical copy of this one because I LOVED it so much!!
Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas--I ordered this one in the special LitJoy Crate box--which since it was on their website I feel is no spoiler, but I won't share the other contents of said box just yet! I am so excited that it's finally here! Yet now I've zero time to work it into my queue--the story of my life! LOL!
Then in a trade from BooksForTrade I received:
Twice Dead by Caitlin Seal (ARC)
THANK YOU Lizette!!
Then from the publisher for review I received:
Keeper of the Bees by Meg Kassel (Early Copy)
THANK YOU Entangled Teen!!
Then I also bought another book sleeve!! Don't judge me, LOL! I couldn't help it! It was CARAVAL INSPIRED people! You know how much I love that series!!! And I bought it in the "mini" size for my mass market paperbacks, and I only have 1 other in that particular size...and I got it on sale! So it was a good deal!!
Another beautifully made book sleeve from Fandom Sleeves! I swear I need a Frequent Buyer Punch card from this girl! Her book sleeves are just awesome!
And that's my haul this week! What did you all get?