Oct 29, 2012

NEW Cover Art Reveal--Hidden

There's a new cover art for Marianne Curley's Hidden that releases next year!

Here is the old one:

It was nice, clean, lots of white which was the ehh part.

Now here is the NEW one:

This one is definitely different and a bit more bold! Instead of 1 feather, there's several. There's a girl being masked by a feather floating around. What I like to call "magic swirls" along the edges and the cover is done in color. Very nice, if a little busy.

Here's the cover description if you haven't read it yet:

When baby Ebony is snatched from the midwife, she is rent not only from her parents but also her betrothed. In her world, a special bond is formed with one other being - for eternity. But Ebony is no longer in her world; she has been hidden in ours. An angel on earth. Earth was the best place to conceal Ebony, to keep her from her kin who desperately seek her, and to keep Ebony from discovering for herself who she really is. But Ebony is coming of age, and then no one will be able to hide her true origins. She will be 'visible', and the one who stole her away will come back to claim her. But who will reach her first?

Hidden releases in March 2013