Oct 30, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Here are the rules:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
Started reading this the other day and it's pretty good so far! Took awhile for me to remember what happened last book, but I got the gist of it! And it was only just before or after the 200 page mark that Nora got on my nerves. Currently she's not on them anymore either, so yay!
"'I want you by my side, Nora. Being with you is my top priority. I've been at war with the Nephilim a long time. It's shaped me in ways I wish I could take back. The deception, the cheap tricks, even the brute force. There are days I wish I could go back and take a different path. I don't want you to have the same regrets. I need to know you're strong enough physically, but I also need to know you're straight up here.' He touched my forehead gently. Then he caressed my cheek, holding my face in the palm of his hand. 'Do you really understand what you're getting into?'" p 215
TITLE: Finale
AUTHOR: Becca Fitzpatrick

PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster Boos for Young Readers
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: October 23, 2012