Mar 13, 2017

Beauty and the Beast Book Tag

So normally, I don't partake in book tags, too challenging and time consuming, but when I saw Amber @Dulivre tagged me for this one and I saw what it was about, I knew I had to do it! Because, Beauty and the Beast! duh! Also I'm borrowing the images she used since I lack any sort of graphic talent! ;)

A Villain You Can't Help but Love!

I find I always come back to the Darkling for this topic! Hard to explain why...I just liked him! LOL!

Your OTP

Because I don't also want to say Rhys and Feyre from ACOMAF, I'll got with Ivy and Ren from Jennifer L. Armentrout's Wicked! Like all her power couples, I totally love them!

A Character That's Destined for Bigger Things

In Heartless, Cath is definitely destined for BIGGER things, yet she longs for a simpler life by owning her own bakery/sweet shop! It's kind of a heartbreaking story! But I LOVED it!

A Book that Makes You Hungry

Pretty much any Chicagoland Vampires novel can start to get my mouth watering! Merit has a love for all things yummy! LOL! We had mentions of Lou Malnati's pizza and the (OMG I NEED IT NOW) Chocolate Cake Shake in this one! And oh gawd, even just writing about it has my mouth watering!

Opposites Attract

If you had told me before this series came to an end when I started Falling Kingdoms, that Cleo and Magnus would become a thing, I'd have laughed! But now? I totally, totally ship them!! And if December doesn't get here NOW I am going to totally lose my mind!!! Lol!

And now to tag people...hmm...seems Amber tagged my go to Disney fan friend Tracy already! LOL! Let's give it a shot with:

Brittany @BookAddictsGuide
Lisa & Becca @LostinLit
Anyone else who wants to join in! ;)