Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
For being an ordinary week of life, this was an amazing week of bookmail!!! I received two subscription boxes, two prizes I won recently and some most excellent review books that have totally put my review schedule into whack! LOL!
Here's what I bought:
Hunted by Meagan Spooner--already read and reviewed!
As Old as Time by Liz Braswell--reading it now and really liking it so far!
End of Oz by Danielle Paige
March Lit Cube*
March Owlcrate*
*Pictures of insides to come next month!
Contest Wins that arrived:
Last month I won Bambi Unbridled's Blogversary prize which was a whole ton of swag, makeup and all sorts of amazing goodies! Plus some books too!
And possibly the coolest prize I've ever won was an ARC of The Crown's Fate by Evelyn Skye PLUS Nikolai's egg! I can't wait to finally start this series!!
And then for review from the publishers via Netgalley I received:
Legion by Julie Kagawa (ARC)
A Grave Calling by Wendy Roberts (ARC)
THANK YOU Harlequin Teen, Carina Press, and Netgalley!!
And that my friends concludes my amazing week! What all did you get?