Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
This was a pretty good week! I picked up a few new books! Had yet another harrowing experience of ordering one book online and having it come with a ripped cover! I mean it's the most upsetting thing ever when you get that in the mail! Thankfully it was a B&N book so I was able to go up to the store and exchange it! Whew! Although for some reason this time I had to pay the sales tax which hadn't been included before. That didn't happen the last time I had to do an exchange but .31 is no big deal to get an unripped cover!
So here's what I bought:
Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton--yeah...I found myself needing to just buy the US hardback too to have too mismatching/matching sets! LOL!
Scooby Apocalypse #11 by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Howard Porter, Dale Eaglesham, Jan Duursema
Tale as Old as Time by Charles Solomon--this was the one that came ripped! And because it's SOOO gorgeous I needed an undamaged copy! This is actually an updated version as they've added new info regarding the new live action film!
Then in an awesome trade with Danni @LilRedBookshelf I was able to get the remaining "hidden" UK cover of Caraval!! I was super excited to be able to own all 5!! LOL!
Caraval by Stephanie Garber
THANK YOU again Danni!!
For review I received:
Torn by Alyssa Rose Ivy (ARC)--already read and reviewed this one! LOVED it!!
Spectacle by Rachel Vincent (ARC)
THANK YOU Alyssa, Harlequin MIRA, and Netgalley!!