Mar 16, 2017

Random Thursday

And now we shall return to That's a Fact Jack: A Collection of Utterly Useless Information [Updated] by Harry Bright and Jakob Anser! Impress your friends with these completely random bits of information!

(image borrowed from Wikipedia)
"Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, leeches and maggots are categorized as medical devices."

Eww. Just eww! I mean I knew that leeches were used in some medical practices way back when but still...eww!

(image borrowed from Wikipedia)
"The South American paradoxical frog (Pseudis paradoxia) is so called because it gets smaller as it develops. It starts out as a ten-inch tadpole and 'grows up' to become a frog about three inches long."

Interesting! That I never knew!

(image borrowed from PopKey)
"A cockroach's brain is spread throughout its body. If you chop off its head, it can continue to live for up to a week. It finally dies because it can't eat."

So that's how it works. Gross.

(image borrowed from Flickr)
"The emerald cockroach wasp (Ampulex compressa) commandeers a cockroach in order to lay an egg inside the roach's exoskeleton. After delivering precise stings to paralyze the roach, the wasp--too small to carry its victim to a burrow--leads it by its antenna like a dog on a leash."

Nature continues to baffle me!