Mar 5, 2017

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

So it was a pretty nice week! I got an ARC I traded for, an ARC I won, and a few new titles! Check it out!

I bought:

 Into the Fire by Jeaniene Frost

And then for having a good tax return I treated myself to some very special books:

 the three remaining UK Caraval covers by Stephanie Garber

and when I treat myself, I REALLY treat myself:

because they were all signed! LOL!

Then the ARC that I won was from Mindy McGinnis from her blog:

Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves (ARC)


And then in awesome trade with my friend Tracy from Cornerfolds I got:

100 Hours by Rachel Vincent (ARC)


And this came last week and I totally forgot to post it:

the gorgeous print that was the pre-order gift for Roseblood by A.G. Howard!! I still need to read this one but I love this print! It fits so well with the book!

And then I also received a lovely little gift from my credit card company for spending too much money again!

a gift card to Barnes and Noble! Whatever shall I spend it on? LOL!

And that was my week! What did you all get?