Reviews I Can't Bring Myself to Read
There are two scenarios when it comes to me skipping reviews. One is I am SUPER excited for a book that may or may not be a new to me author and I see that my blogger friend didn't like it (I see this by their star rating which I usually look for first). It's hard sometimes because I trust my blogging friends, but when it's one that I am positively ecstatic to read and I see that one (or two or whatever) review where my friend didn't like it, I just can't bring myself to read it. Usually because I'll end up looking for their negative points when reading and I really don't want that to influence my own enjoyment. Which isn't generally a problem, because again, I have realllly bad memory issues these days! LOL! So I won't remember explicitly why said friend didn't enjoy said book because odds are likely I read the review some days or even a week or two ago before beginning the book myself.
Then there's the other reason I won't read a review for a book I realllly want to read and it's that I want to go in totally un-influenced! This is generally reserved for my autobuy authors; Jeaniene Frost and Jennifer L. Armentrout are the first ones to come to mind! Other times it may vary by whichever author and/or series I'm dealing with! And it's really truly because I want zero influencing. I don't want to know anything basically and just dive in unhindered! And this usually works for me when it comes to these specific authors.
And when it comes to series I generally won't read reviews for the books that are ahead of where I'm at! Like with Anne Bishop's final book, Etched in Bone releasing this week, I can't read those reviews yet because I am so terribly behind! And you know, spoilers!
But what about you guys? Are there reviews you ever avoid reading? What were the reasons for avoiding them?