Mar 7, 2017

Discussion Challenge: Why eBooks Aren't My Favorite

Naturally, as I found myself writing my discussion post on book formatting and how it effects my reading pace, it got me touching on eBooks. Which then brought up a whole new discussion for myself.

Why eBooks Aren't My Favorite

eBooks have been big for awhile now. And I do see all the benefits to them! Trust me I do! The majority of my review books are in eBook format. But one of the things I don't like about eBooks is basically that it's not a physical book! LOL! Let me break it down...

1. I LOVE holding the book! The feel of the book! Turning pages. The crisp sound of the paper being turned. The feel of the super smooth covers they sometimes have! I just love it all!

2. I like being able to "casually" flip ahead to see how long a chapter is. I'm not cheating or looking ahead for spoilers. When I do this it's because I am generally trying to see how many pages (literal pages) are left until the chapter ends. I'm usually the reader who will only stop reading once I hit a new chapter...or page break if I don't think I can finish the chapter before the next real life event occurs. Which is why I was always aggravated that SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) time was only ever 15 minutes in school.

3. Colors! I love being able to see the gorgeous colors of the cover! True I can easily do this with my eBook if I used my iPad, but even that becomes heavy to hold for a prolonged period of time.

Okay so those are the top three reasons why I love real books. Now take into account an eBook, and none of these things are possible. Yes, my kindle will tell me how many minutes are left in the chapter, how many are left in the book itself. It will tell me what percentage of the book I've read. But I want page numbers!! And I get it, kindle screens are not the same as the actual book size so a real page number isn't necessarily easy to give. But it makes it harder to know how many pages are really left in said chapter. Just because I'm being told it's 3 minutes doesn't really mean it's 3 minutes. I think one book actually said that for like 5 page swipes and I'm like really? Maybe not, I've never really timed it. But it's like when I know I NEED to do task A but really want to finish said chapter because there's only 2 minutes left, I feel like my brain somehow takes longer just to be a pain! LOL! It's subconscious most likely.

But yeah, while I do and can appreciate eBooks, my first and foremost choice will always be a real book to read! Yes, when the day comes and I must move I am going to truly regret my collection of books. Only because I gotta pack em and move em all. But will I try to diminish said collection afterwards? Hell no. So hopefully when that time does come, I'll just move into my "forever" home! Or you know, be married to Thor*! LOL! 

So what do you guys think about eBooks vs real books? Are you ever bogged down by not knowing exactly how many pages are left in the chapter? In the book? Or have you been able to figure out the algorithm or whatnot that lets you know this all while reading an eBook? And if you have, can you explain it to me? LOL!

*moments prior to writing this post I just finished watching The Avengers: Age of Ultron