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This week's topic is: Best TV Shows Based on Books!
*in no particular order
Oh man this one's hard!! I haven't watched too many shows based on books that I actually liked. Let's give it a go!
Book: Roswell High Series
So apparently the books were first! Found that out years ago with that little line on top of book 1! There were a few differences between the two, but not too much from my bit of memory.
Book: Sookie Stackhouse Series
Struggling through this one it seems! Then duh! True Blood hits! Love the book series and the show is pretty good! Still need to watch season 4!!
Book Series: Temperance Brennan
Well, this current season of Bones hasn't been my favorite, but I've enjoyed the other ones just as well. I haven't read the books that they were based on though.
Book Series: Dexter
Another series I haven't read, but I love watching Dexter! It's a little bizarre sometimes, but I still enjoy watching it! Of course, like with True Blood I watch them by the DVD, so looking forward to seeing how the series gets wrapped up!
Book Series: Women of the Otherworld
All right, I am probably cheating with this one! The show has yet to start and plus it's likely not going to be airing in the USA, but I have high hopes of seeing it one day and LOVING it! Elena is definitely one of my favorite Otherworld women!!