Apr 13, 2013

Review--Ceaseless by Abbi Glines

Can he make her fall in love with him… again?

When Pagan Moore proved worthy of Death’s devotion, he was given the gift of getting to keep her.

But Dank was never promised that Pagan would keep him.

When a soul is created, so is its mate. In every lifetime those souls find each other. They complete the other’s destiny. It’s time for Pagan’s soul to choose if she truly wants an eternity at Death’s side or if she wants the mate created just for her.

Dank didn’t think he had to worry about her choice. He knew where her heart belonged. Until he realized that every kiss, every touch, every moment of their time together would be washed from her memories. He would have to win her heart all over again and prove to her soul that he was where she belonged.

If only her soul’s mate wasn’t right there standing in his way.

Ceaseless is Abbi Glines conclusion to the Existence Trilogy and it was a pretty good ending too all things considered. 

Right off the bat we know that Pagan's memory has been altered. She no longer remembers Dank and the time she spent with him, that she loves him. Her memory of him has been taken, as well as her memories of Leif and her ability to see souls is gone as well. She's a perfectly normal teenage girl about to start college.

I am not sure if that makes this a new adult book while the first two are young adult? The content is really no different than the first ones, although there are a few scenes that are bit more PG-13 like that run close to R rating, but nothing totally scandalous!

Dank has to make Pagan fall in love with him all over again if he wants to keep her. But Jay, Pagan's supposed soulmate stands in his way. To make matters worse, his college isn't far from Pagan's and his friend Nathan--Wyatt's reincarnated self--is his best friend who starts a relationship with Miranda, hence the four of them spend a lot of time together! But Pagan isn't really interested in Jay like that anymore, he's changed, she's changed.

I was surprised to find Leif in this book, since Dank had given him and his father some pretty clear warnings to stay away from Pagan and her friends and family. Yet, there Leif is. It's kind of weird since there's three guys pursuing Pagan this time around. But Leif really never stood much of a chance as a contender, a fact he doesn't take well and ends up driving Pagan and Dank further apart.

Pagan has to have the chance to fall in love with both Dank and Jay and then choose Dank over her soulmate in order for her and Dank to be together forever. If she chooses him, Death will never be alone again.

My only issue here was that I felt like Jay never stood a chance at actually being a contender for Pagan's heart. They dated for a bit, but there was never any spark between them, I didn't see how he was supposed to be her soulmate, a contender for her heart. 

Pagan has a lot to deal with in this one, she's never seen souls before and yet she has Death pursuing her, so it's like being introduced to the paranormal for the first time all over again. 

The romance takes on a new level here, getting a little more adult. Which in some ways baffles me. I mean Pagan is still just eighteen. I guess I lived a sheltered teenage life with sheltered friends, unless they were keeping secrets from me! Sex was never anything I considered doing as a teen, and lately there are so many YA books that have it and like I said, I'm baffled. Yet most YA books have the sex with taste. This one the sex is a mix of both taste and tasteless, but I won't get into the who's and why's!

The ending was a nice happy ending as all endings are. It was a little cheesy in some sense, because it was just sooo happy for everyone, I felt like that was a little unrealistic, yet the sappy side of me is happy to see everybody happy! 

Overall Ceaseless was an enjoyable read. This series isn't too bad, a little flawed, but what series doesn't have some flaws? There's always something to bother me or another reader somewhere. I enjoyed this one and would likely read more paranormal books if Abbi ever chooses to write them!

Overall Rating 4/5 stars