Apr 1, 2013

ARC Review--Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Fate isn’t something to mess with… and now, neither is Alex.

Alex has always feared two things: losing herself in the Awakening and being placed on the Elixir. But love has always been stronger than Fate, and Aiden St. Delphi is willing to make war on the gods—and Alex herself—to bring her back.

The gods have killed thousands and could destroy entire cities in their quest to stop Seth from taking Alex’s power and becoming the all-powerful God Killer. But breaking Alex’s connection to Seth isn’t the only problem. There are a few pesky little loopholes in the whole “an Apollyon can’t be killed” theory, and the only person who might know how to stop the destruction has been dead for centuries.

Finding their way past the barriers that guard the Underworld, searching for one soul among countless millions, and then somehow returning will be hard enough. Alex might be able to keep Seth from becoming the God Killer… or she might become the God Killer herself.

I received this ARC from the publishers in exchange for an honest review, I was in no way compensated for this review.

The Covenant series totally rocks! Apollyon is Jennifer L. Armentrout's latest in the series as it is winding down was amazing! As we know from last time, Alex has Awakened and she is no longer the same. Reading Elixir prior to Apollyon is very helpful to the story, because the events of Elixir are mentioned quite a bit in the beginning.

It was hard to read through Alex's point of view when she was so heavily influenced by Seth. But it did make for excellent reading. For the first portion of the book, we deal with "evil" Alex, but never fear, she does come back to herself, I say this because it's not really a spoiler. I was wondering while reading the first portion how long Alex was going to be like this, but she does come out of this spell, and is back to her old self.

Apollyon is definitely the book that really sets us up for the ending. Things are tense as war is just on the horizon. Alex and her friends are trying to find a way to stop Seth from ultimately taking over the world and destroying all the other gods. A god is helping them and that in itself is a mystery. Which gods can be trusted? Which ones cannot be? The next mission becomes finding a way to stop Seth from becoming the God Killer and in turn saving the world. Which leads to a trip to the Underworld again.

There was crazy nonstop action in varying degrees of action-ness! It was awesome! Never a dull moment! There were quite a few tender moments between Alex and Aiden that totally make you melt! Of course there were times when you were ready to scream your head off at one or the other too! All in all, great storytelling and fantastic characters! To be so captivated by these characters and their world just means that Jennifer is doing her job right!

The ending was shocking! Maybe not quite as jaw dropping as Deity, but still the kind where you shout Omigod! Alex and everyone else are gravely affected by what happens in their battle to try to make it to sanctuary in the form of another Covenant school. I totally didn't see this ending coming, and yet there's still a bit of cliffhanger. Not as dangerous as last time, but enough that still leaves you wondering, what on earth is going on?! What the heck is happening?!

There's lots of those types of questions left. And now the wait for the finale, Sentinel, begins. And it will be a loooooong one since there isn't going to be any ARCs of this book. Oh the humanity! I have to wait til December to read the finale!

The Covenant series is an amazing series that takes Greek mythology to a different level! From the few Greek mythology series out there, this one is definitely one of the exciting ones! With heart-racing action and tender filled romance, and of course Alex's humor, this series truly has it all!

Overall rating 5/5 stars

Apollyon releases April 9, 2013