Apr 18, 2013

Random Thursday

Does anyone else remember the mini series The 10th Kingdom? It was on back in 2000, so 13 years ago. I remember seeing the commercial for it back then and automatically I knew I would love it! What's not to love about a series where the real world and fairy tale world collide?

Of course it didn't happen exactly that way, first some of the fairy tale people come to NYC, then the New Yorkers go to fairy tale world and then it's a struggle to get back home! But with trolls, an evil queen and her huntsman on their tale it's easier said than done!

Yeah I totally loved this show! I even bought the special gift package they offered on TV, by receiving the VHS tapes--yes VHS--, the TV series to book adaptation book--still have it too!--, and the soundtrack--which was mostly just musical score and the opening theme song! I remember taping them too at times, because back then I had to go to PSR (religion) class once a week and of course the show had to be new on those days!

Anyone else remember this show? It starred Kimberly Williams, Scott Cohen, John Larroquette, Ed O'Neil and many others naturally!