This week I have a few factoids about Walt Disney himself!
- Walt Disney first named Mickey "Mortimer". But his wife, Lily, was the one who suggested "Mickey" was a better choice.
- Charlie Chaplin and other film stars of that time were used as inspiration behind Mickey's animated movements.
- Mickey didn't speak until the ninth short film, "The Karnival Kid", which was released in July 1929. Mickey was working a hotdog stand in the film, and his first words were: "Hot dogs! Hot dogs!"
- Mickey Mouse made his first appearance in the "Macy's Santa Clause Parade" in 1934, now the Thanksgiving Day Parade. His balloon was 40 feet tall, hand-painted and guided by men and women dressed in Mickey and Minne Mouse costumes.
- Mickey Mouse and the Beanstalk, 1947, was the last time Walt provided Mickey's voice. Duties as head of the studio kept him busy. Role was taken over by sound-effects artist, Jimmy MacDonald, who later gave voice to Gus and Jaq in Cinderella.
- In Fantasia, for The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Disney animators gave Mickey a powerful new tool: they drew pupils in his previous all black eyes!