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This week's question is: Have you ever read a book you thought you'd hate but loved? Or vice versa? - Suggested by a GREAT read
MY ANSWER: Ooooh another one of mine!! Yay!!! There were a few books I thought I wouldn't "like" but ended up loving! One was the YA book that brought me back to YA and that was Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead!
I've had quite a few other books I thought I would hate or not like, I ended up really liking most of them. There have been some I thought I would LOVE, but only ended up liking. So can't say I hated those.
There was one book that I was oh so sure I would love though! I had read a book by the author before, so I felt positive that I would love this one! It had a blend of paranormal (at least I thought it did), a mystery and it just sounded soooo good. Sadly it was not.
The Vanishing Season by Jodi Lynn Anderson was one that I ended up loathing. Thank goodness I was able to review it and not wasted money on it. The mystery was only so so, and it didn't even really get solved fully. I felt like the romance was a sham and the paranormal element was nonexistent. It was just the most disappointing read for me. But I still adored the author's Tiger Lily! And will look for more YA titles from her should they be more paranormal vs contemporary.