Dec 20, 2012

Random Thursday--Christmas Edition!

Oh wow!! Just 5 more days til Christmas!! I truly love this holiday! True it can be hectic in the stores trying to buy gifts, which is why I always try to start my shopping early!

Today I feel like sharing some of my traditions related to Christmas, feel free to share yours in the comments too! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, share what you normally do around this time of year, New Years included!

1. Gingerbread cookie decorations! It's weird, I have this insane love of these things. I think it has to do with Shrek. Gingy was an awesome side character and I loooved him! So I guess when I see all the cute Gingerbread stuff, I think of him! I have a lot of Gingerbread items from Kohl's from over the years, a blanket, a candy dish, some stuffed animal ornaments! And last year at Build a Bear I bought the two $5 special Gingerbread boy and girl since I couldn't decide on just one!

2. 24 hours of A Christmas Story!! Every year I watch this movie for the solid 24 hours starting on Christmas eve. Granted I do sleep, usually have to be somewhere on that night and Christmas day, but for the time I am home that is all I watch! I rarely pop the DVD in anymore. I think my heart will break when they eventually cease doing this!

3. Christmas cookies! Every year, my sister and I bug my mom about when we will make them. We've made a few already, but not my fave yet. I think we're baking the last few batches this weekend! We make a variety, pretty much all of them are ones we only bake for Christmas, except for chocolate chip which is an all year round cookie!

4. My side of the Christmas tree! Our tree is covered in ornaments from Hallmark! Mostly Disney ones, a good handful of regular Hallmark ones and we have an entire box devoted to Barbie ornaments, although not many make it on the tree these past few years. I have "my side of the tree" that faces where I usually sit when I am in the living room! I deck it out with my favorite ornaments, usually the same ones every year! Princess Aurora, Belle, Belle reading a book!, Tinkerbell reading a book!, Tinkerbell from Peter Pan moments, some Scooby Doo ones--because there are more than one naturally! One of my fave fave fave ornaments is one of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip dancing in the clouds. When you press the "magic" button, it plays their "Once Upon a Dream" song and Aurora's dress changes colors, as this is the last moment in the movie when Merryweather and Flora are fighting over the color Aurora's dress should be, so it goes from pink to blue and back and forth!

5. Elf on the Shelf. This is a slightly newer tradition. We bought this for my niece when she was 2 maybe? And since last year, it has fallen to me to "assist" Buddy--as we have named him, after the elf from Elf played by Will Farrell!--into a new spot every morning. Although this year, I struggle with finding challenging spots! Our house isn't huge, and I want him in a spot that can be seen if you look closely enough. So no hiding in cabinets or anything! Although the other morning I had a really good spot as it took her awhile and a little hint to find him! She enjoys trying to find him each morning, so I continue to hide him! 

So what are some of your family traditions for the holidays?