Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
Well first off, when I got a B&N coupon last week, I couldn't let it sit there. Bad enough I really had to let this week's sit there. But I ended up buying a keeper copy, since I just have an ARC and didn't get around to buying the final copy right away, of:
Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder
Then my mom was buying something on Amazon, already over the $25 free shipping, so I had her add this to it too since I couldn't pass up owning the paper copy for cheaper than what I paid for the kindle version. It was still just $1.75!!
Angelfall by Susan Ee
Then I participated in the Where's Black City? Photo doo-hicky and received these fabulous SIGNED bookmarks that have both Black City and Phoenix on them:
A B&N Giftcard!!
That's what I got so far. But the day isn't over. But the rest might go into next week's STS post since I don't feel like waiting all day to have this post up!