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- After you've finished your post, add you link (of
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This week's theme is: Books YOU Want For Xmas! {Part II}
*in no particular order
Books that actually made it on my Xmas (and birthday since its 9 days before xmas, I won't really know where a book will fall until those days!) list this year, are:
by Melissa Marr
I was skeptical about this one at first, but after reading reviews I decided I want to read it so onto the Xmas list it went!
by Jodi Lynn Anderson
I read an ARC of this one, but I would really like to have a final copy version since the covers are totally different! Plus this was such a wicked awesome read, I really need a keeper copy!
by Lia Habel
Another book I read as an ARC (electronic on this one), so I don't have a keeper copy. I tend to want to own the real thing after reading an ARC anyways!
by Morgan Rhodes
by Morgan Rhodes
This one releases 5 days before my bday, so it's on my combo list! Might end up being an xmas gift since my mom might have all my bday gifts already. Did enter the goodreads contest for this one which winners get drawn on my bday, which would make a nice bday gift if I could win! ;)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Because I am an idiot, I put this on my Xmas list to my friend since we exchange books on Xmas. I originally knew that this bad boy comes out on the 18th and I thought I can wait a week. But as we know now, at least in the US, it released EARLY. As in this week! WTF? Now my waiting is going to be a little more agonizing, but I can manage. Besides I still need to read Onyx but I was hoping to read them back to back.