Dec 23, 2012

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

Another good week! I had a few leftovers from my birthday that I got towards the end of the day last Sunday. So the remains of my birthday STS were:

Into the Woods by Kim Harrison (SIGNED!)

I had originally bought this myself, but then my mom bought it from me to give to me as a gift! Turned out to be a birthday gift! This was my keeper copy since I did read an ARC of this already!

 Another B&N Gift Card!

Then awhile back I had won a contest from Kiersten White and I ended up getting:

Mind Games by Kiersten White (ARC) (SIGNED!!)

Then I bought myself a keeper copy of:

Scent of Magic by Maria V. Snyder

Then my sister got these and didn't really want them, so I bought them off her! Figured 80% of my money goes to books anyway, then its 10% clothes, 10% miscellaneous!

More B&N Gift Cards!

And while not totally book related, it is in a sense since it started as a book, but this is the movie version, I bought this totally awesome T-shirt at Kohl's:

Yup! A JAWS t-shirt!! It's even a bright jade green! I don't have that color in my t-shirt collection! And of course as you all might know, I LOOOVE this movie! And it was based on a BOOK! That I read! ;)

And that was what I got in my mailbox! What did you get?
Check back next week for my Christmas (and possibly after Christmas shopping!) haul!