Dec 18, 2012

Review--Endlessly by Kiersten White

Evie's paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.

The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie's hands.

So much for normal.

Another end to another series! Kiersten White wraps up her Paranormalcy trilogy with Endlessly--a perfect title since it is the end! All Evie's troubles are about to come to an end, but before that happens, some new ones have to get in the way of her happy ending first!

I cannot even remember what happened in Supernaturally really, but luckily there were some hints and mentions of what happened, so it was enough of a wrapup/summary for me! This time around the supernaturals--a decent portion of them--want Evie to open a gate that will send them back home. Where exactly this home is, is unclear. Yet it is stressed that this is where supernaturals are meant to be, rather than on Earth. It has a decidedly alien feel to it in this regard, but alas, no aliens appeared. (sign, Daemon!)

Evie has once again been recruited into a mess she wants nothing apart of, but certain circumstances keep pulling her leg and she reluctantly agrees and gets herself into several nasty situations. And all around the holiday too!

We get to see a whole new side to Reth, in this last hurrah. And it was quite nice. Reth has always annoyed me, I suppose. He was too arrogant and I could see why Evie despised him, yet I can see why she was enamored with him too! But he shows a new side to himself that we never saw, yet his true colors are still there too, with his own arrogant faeryish ways!

There's also the IPCA to deal with too. Its new boss is none too thrilled with Evie and will do whatever it takes to bring her back into their clutches. Not necessarily meant to be a good thing either. Evie will have to accept help from some unlikely sources.

The pacing to this one, for me at least, went back and forth between fast and a lull. So I guess it can be averaged out to a steady pace. It wasn't terrible, yet there were moments that I was slightly bored, but not enough to detract from the story.

The romance between Evie and Lend was still there too. It's the sweet kind of teen romance between a supernatural and not quite totally human girl. Although something threatens to draw the two apart, and ironically, it's what Evie's set out to do...yeah that's confusing! Lend will have to decide if he will leave with all the other supernaturals--his mother included--or if he will stay with Evie on Earth.

A truly wonderful end to what has been a very fun trilogy!!

Overall rating 4.5/5 stars