Dec 30, 2012

Top 5 Sundays

Top 5 Sundays is a weekly blog meme created by Larissa at Larissa's Bookish Life.

Every Sunday I will post a TOP 5 list on the blog. It can be about anything and every week I'll have a new theme {You can vote on next week’s theme on my left sidebar!} and I will ad the Mr.Linky bellow the post so you can do a list with the theme and add you link to it.

1 - Write a post listing your TOP 5 choices within the theme I chose (or was chosen on a poll) for the week.
2 - Mention this Blog on the post and link back to it.
3 - Feel free to use the Feature's image (there is a smaller size version of it bellow)
4 - After you've finished your post, add you link (of the post, not your blog's main page) to the Mr.Linky at the end of that week's post.
5 – If you don’t have a blog to post, just leave your list in the comments =)

This week's theme is: Movies You Are Dying For in 2013!

*in no particular order

This is funny since I just did a 2013 movie post! Totally forgot at the time that this was an option for the Top 5! So I will choose my top 5 from that post!


  Definitely cannot wait for the NEW Disney princess movie!! So look forward to this one! Releases November 27th.


 Yep, another Disney movie I cannot wait to see! Pixar tends to do a good job with its sequels. Other Disney ones, not so much. A few of the animated sequels were a little lacking for me since they didn't compare to the original. But the Toy Story movies were good, so this one should be good too! Releases June 21st.


  As I said before I loooove RDJ! Especially in his role of Iron Man!! Looking forward to this one! Releases May 3rd.

THOR: The Dark World 

 Another comic book movie! Surprisingly so far these are all Disney movies since Disney owns Marvel now! Loved the first Thor so I am excited for the sequel!! Releases November 8th.


 Definitely looking forward to this one! And yep, another Disney movie!! There are other movies I am waiting for obviously, but it seems Disney takes the win on the most popular ones! Love James Franco, so excited to see this! Plus I love a good prequel story and curious to see how the Wizard came to Oz and all that whatnot! Releases March 8th.
