It's time for my favorite giveaway!! This is the one where I tend to go a little crazy with the prize offering! And to be honest, I bought the first piece of the giveaway all the way back in January!!
Due to shipping costs and what all, I regret to say this giveaway is restricted to US only. Sorry peeps!
What's up for grabs? A goodie bag of goodness! What you'll get:
- A pumpkin trick or treat bag filled with:
- Doomed by Tracey Deebs--Not your traditional horror story, but when I read this one, it scared the FREAK out of me! Why? Because the scary stuff that happens, I feel could happen in our real life if some super smart person is crazy enough to do it! Hence the reason why the book terrified me! Yet it was still an amazing read! Read my review here.
- An adorable stuffed bat--his wings open and close with velcro and he has a loop on his bottom so you can hang him upside down if you so choose! Found him while shopping one day and thought he was too cute! Bought one for myself and then thought I needed one for my giveaway! There's a picture below of a close-up
- A Ghost Pez Dispenser
- A long pair of skeleton head socks
- Little bottles of Bath & Body Works Antibacterial gel in Vampire's Blood & Ghoul Friend
- A cover/loopy thing that you can put the antibacterial gel into and hook it to your bag, it's black with white spider and spiderwebs on the sides and it GLOWS in the dark!
- Halloween themed stickers of Mickey Mouse & Friends--Mickey's a VAMPIRE!--and Scooby-Doo--Scooby reads a spell book on one!
- A notepad with bats on it
- An orange owl TY teenie Beanie Baby
- Skull headed bracelets
- A good luck Skeleton Key charm--with a little piece of paper describing its good luck-ness
- An assortment of Halloween themed erasers
- Purple and Black Bat Rings
- And the creme de la creme...the item I bought wayyyy back in January for this giveaway: a special edition Vinylmation Spooky Series 2 set that I bought from the Disney Store. It's contains Mickey Mouse shaped figurines, but the actual characters are Goofy dressed as a VAMPIRE and a shorter figurine of Pluto dressed as a WEREWOLF!--I had gotten one for myself for Christmas and then when after holiday shopping I found it and I decided I had to have it for this giveaway!
Here's a close up of Goofy and Pluto:
Here's a closeup of the cute little bat:
As long as you live in the US...or have a US address you can use with someone who can get the prize to you afterwards, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below and you're in!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And because I can never seem to get the list of all the blogs participating to post properly in my's a link to the list of all the blogs participating in the hop!