Dec 14, 2013

Top 5 Sundays

Top 5 Sundays is a weekly blog meme created by Larissa at Larissa's Bookish Life.

Every Sunday I will post a TOP 5 list on the blog. It can be about anything and every week I'll have a new theme {You can vote on next week’s theme on my left sidebar!} and I will ad the Mr.Linky bellow the post so you can do a list with the theme and add you link to it.

1 - Write a post listing your TOP 5 choices within the theme I chose (or was chosen on a poll) for the week.
2 - Mention this Blog on the post and link back to it.
3 - Feel free to use the Feature's image (there is a smaller size version of it bellow)
4 - After you've finished your post, add you link (of the post, not your blog's main page) to the Mr.Linky at the end of that week's post.
5 – If you don’t have a blog to post, just leave your list in the comments =)

This week's topic is: Favorite New TV Series!

*in no particular order


 Okay, this one started in January of this year and ran til the Spring, so since it did air in 2013, I'm counting it! It was definitely one of those twisted weird shows. It kind of became addicting despite how freaking crazy some of the "followers" were!


I don't have a whole lot of fave new shows. Really not much, but this is one that I do enjoy! SMG and Robin Williams! Love those two!


Another show that I wouldn't say is a fave-fave, but I do enjoy watching it! It's definitely got a lot of mystery and supernatural weirdness going on!


Not as enjoyable as the original series, but I do record this one and watch it when I find time!


Okay, not necessarily a "new" show for 2013, but this is the first year I watched and followed it! Enjoying it quite much and liking the looks of the final 3! Can't wait for the finale!