Here are the general rules to Follow Friday:
1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts and any one else you want to follow on the list
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
8. If your new to the follow Friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
This week's question is: Best Cover? What is the best cover of a book that you’ve read and didn’t like?
I totally loved this cover for Defiance! I know it's been talked about a lot! But when I read the e-ARC I was kind of disappointed in it. It was still an okay read, just not one I fell in love with like I was expecting.
TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by GReads! that recaps the week's post and has a different question each week.
Sadly this will be the last TGIF for awhile...
This last TGIF question is: Choose
Your Next Read: How do you go about choosing what you read next? Do you
have a schedule you follow, or do you read whatever makes you happy at
the moment?
MY ANSWER: Oooh toughie! This year has definitely been the hardest one me. Normally I read books as they release, while unemployed I did pretty good at staying on top of this. But since I have a part time job now--still looking for a full time one--my reading hours have been cut short.
Now my schedule goes that review books come first! Depending on release dates I'll read whatever sounds the most interesting or whatever I had been dying to read most! If I can't decide I go by release date!
Now that I finished my review books, have a few I'm waiting for responses from, I am doubling back to books that released earlier this year. Such as A Perfect Blood! It's coming in paperback in a little over 3 weeks and I wanted to read the hardcover I bought back in February!
So the answer is complicated now! I read whatever suits my fancy I guess, but I am trying to get caught up on 2012 releases. Don't even want to think of the books I fell behind that released prior to 2012!