Aug 3, 2012

Review--Thirteen by Kelley Armstrong

The #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong delivers the novel her fans have been clamoring for: The epic finale of the Otherworld series.
It’s been more than ten years, a dozen install
ments, and hundreds of thousands of copies since Kelley Armstrong introduced readers to the all-too-real denizens of the Otherworld: witches, werewolves, necromancers, vampires, and half-demons, among others. And it’s all been leading to Thirteen, the final installment, the novel that brings all of these stories to a stunning conclusion.

A war is brewing—the first battle has been waged and Savannah Levine is left standing, albeit battered and bruised. She has rescued her half brother from supernatural medical testing, but he’s fighting to stay alive. The Supernatural Liberation Movement took him hostage, and they have a maniacal plan to expose the supernatural world to the unknowing.

Savannah has called upon her inner energy to summon spells with frightening strength, a strength she never knew she had, as she fights to keep her world from shattering. But it’s more than a matter of supernaturals against one another—both heaven and hell have entered the war; hellhounds, genetically modified werewolves, and all forces of good and evil have joined the fray.

Uniting Savannah with Adam, Paige, Lucas, Jaime, Hope, and other lost-but-notforgotten characters in one epic battle, Thirteen is a grand, crowd-pleasing closer for Armstrong’s legions of fans.

I received a copy of this book from the publishers for review, I was in no way compensated for this review

It's here. The end. Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series is finally drawing to a close--at least for now. Thirteen books and we end with Thirteen, a fitting title! Once again we journey with Savannah as she tries to stop Giles from revealing the supernatural community to the world at large and from releasing the virus that could cause harm to everyone--human and supernatural alike.

What I truly loved most about this book was that EVERYONE was in it! All the women have joined together in one way or another to help Savannah out with her saving of the world. Elena, Paige, Eve, Jamie, Hope and even Cassandra! So glad to see her since she didn't get her own novel! But wow! All that these women have been through and now we end with Savannah who has grown into her own. She's a young woman but has dealt with so much already! 

I liked seeing all the ladies back in action, or somewhat at least with Hope, since she is pregnant and all! The book is not without its scares, surprises, action and romance! The romance mostly coming from Savannah and Adam of course, but we get glimpses of the other ladies and their man! Which is what I was leading up to, there's one chapter from each of the women in this book! So the bulk is told from Savannah's point of view, but we get to get glimpses of the other women!

All the women play a pivotal role in the book too. I can't remember much from Spell Bound since it's been too long and too many books ago, but here in the final book we see what their role will be in saving the world! And they do all save the world.

I enjoyed most the moments Savannah got to spend with Eve. I won't go further into that, but since ALL the women are there, that includes Eve.

This has been one of my most favorite series ever! When I read it, it helped spark the idea I envision for my own series. A world where the main characters have a connection somehow, mainly because I have too many ideas for books I want to write and they can't all belong to one character.

Moving on, this is definitely a book you cannot miss out on if you've read the Otherworld books! This is the end! The finale! And I must say I loooooove how Kelley wrote the ending too! She has 2 notes, one in the beginning and one at the end that I think are a nice touch to the series and to the reader.

Overall Thirteen was fantastic! Things come full circle and while there was one teeny tiny thing left unsaid--although it is mentioned once more near the end and in the bonus short story--it was purely fantastic!

Which brings me to the short story at the end of Thirteen, From Russia with Love shows us Elena and Clay returning to Russia where their Pack and family is waiting. It was safer to move the twins out of the country since Giles might have wanted to use them in his evil plot to RULE THE WORLD! (dramatic, yes, but it was fun!)

But naturally Elena and Clay run into a little trouble once they hit Russia. But Elena and Clay are use to trouble and since they have their children to protect, let's just say these bad guys better think twice.

I looooved seeing little Logan and Kate! They are adorable! It's hard to believe they are 5! They act so mature, yet it's funny. Because they are definitely Clay and Elena's children.

It all leads up to a surprise for Elena, although we see it coming at the end of Thirteen. But it's still a nice surprise and end to the series as well.

Overall rating 5/5 stars