Aug 23, 2012

Random Thursday

Today is August you know what that means? 

You might. I've been talking about this once a month for awhile now...

YUP! It means there's only 250 days til RT 2013 in Kansas City! 

And guess what? I have managed to snag a roommate!! But still, I urge you other bloggers to come along too! I would love to meet up with any of you if you're going to show up! Even if it is for a day! Saturday is the most popular day as that is the MEGA author signing!! 

Soooo can't wait! This will likely be my last RT for awhile. It's pricey, so I am glad I have a roommate to save on costs to the hotel room at least, but it's still a lot of fun! And this year, I plan on making an agent appointment, maybe a few, so I can query my book in person. I feel like the query letter doesn't do my book justice because I think the agent sees it as just another vampire book. But like many authors, I am proud of my baby and I would like to see it published.

If all else fails I might turn to self publishing! What would  you guys think of that? Would you buy my book?