Why I Rate Books So High
I feel like on average I rate the books I read somewhere between 4-5 stars, with a great majority end up being a 5 star read. And the thing is, I really do think these books are 5 stars! I've seen people rate books I love somewhere between a 3 or 4 which isn't bad, depending on their rating system.
For the past few years I've been very picky about the books I read...though I still find plenty that I want to read and that speak to me. But there are times I have hesitancy and doubts, so those tend to go on a wishlist for a maybe someday. But I won't buy a book unless I know it's one I would want to read and enjoy.
And for the past 9 years I've been doing pretty well at this! Sure I still might stumble upon a book I thought I would love but didn't and it'll get a 3 or even rarer a 2 or lower. But the majority of my books get rated on the high side because I tend to know what I will like. Even when it comes to trying new to me authors, there will be something about their book that makes me think it's a me book. Maybe it was other reviews or just the description alone--as I had to go on in the years before blogging.
So the reason why you will see such high ranking books on my blog is because I know what I like! And if I like something I'm going to give it high marks and not just give it lower ones to make things look even or whatever. I'm not going to say a book I thoroughly enjoyed was a 3 star to mix things up or demote points because there was one or two things I didn't like. Unless those things really extended and took over the story in some fashion, I'm still likely to rate the book highly. Those books with the one or two things I didn't like may end up being 4.5 stars or the awkward 4.75 or higher but still under 5! Lol! I never shy away from the completely awkward rating!
Have you ever looked at how you rate your reads? Is there an average or a number you tend to give out more or less? Why is that? What do you base your review rating on within the book?