Jun 1, 2018


It's time to announce the winner of my SAVE ABOSAT giveaway! I was amazed by how many retweets this series was getting! I am so thrilled that so many of you are anxious to help save this series! Even if you didn't win, I still hope you'll read these books anyway! Go to the library and check them out or borrow from a friend! Write reviews in all the usual places, especially Amazon, sadly, it seems publishers really like seeing multiple reviews on Amazon. 

But onto announcing the winner! And the winner who will receive a copy of both A Book of Spirits and Thieves and The Darkest Magic is...


Congrats Graciela!!

I've contacted the winner and she will have 48 hours to respond or else a new winner will be chosen! Be sure to spread the word about this awesome series you guys! I just KNOW that we can get the numbers back up to where they need to be for the publisher to want that third book! We can do this!!