Another quiet week in the bookish world for me! Which is fine I guess! Lol! It bugs me when I don't get a lot of books and then it bugs me when I do because it's sooo overwhelming! Lol! But all in all I guess it's better to not add a lot!
What I bought this week:
Rise of the Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz--I got this one at HPB for under $5 since it was the Memorial Day sale! I couldn't pass that up...even if I need to read the second one still. I have it at least!! LOL!
Then for review from the publisher I received:
Girl at the Grave by Teri Bailey Black (ARC)
And that was my haul for this week! Not too bad! Sadly, my copy of Legendary has not arrived yet, but thankfully I read it already so it's merely waiting so I can take pretty pictures of it! LOL! What did you get this week?