Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"When she woke to the sound of chittering squirrels, she found she was warmly wrapped though she knew she'd forgotten her cloak. Ember inhaled and caught the scent of leather, wood, and something rich and dark, like mulling spices. Rising, she shook out the greatcoat that unmistakably belonged to a man and studied it." Kindle loc. 5%*
*Quote comes from the ARC, therefore it and its location are not final.
TITLE: The Lantern's Ember
AUTHOR: Colleen Houck
PUBLISHER: Delacorte Press
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: September 11, 2018
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Books I Decided to DNF (did not finish) too Quickly...or Not!
*in no particular order
**such a tough one! I feel like I only DNF a book maybe once every 50 reads or so? I feel like I am pretty good at picking out books that I will like to read. Sure sometimes I'll go into a book with hesitations and end up DNFing so very early on that I don't even write a DNF review. I can't remember all those though! These are ones where I did write a short little review since I read a fair amount of pages.
8. THE BONE SEASON by Samantha Shannon--I guess I threw in the towel a little early with this one. I just remember being confused with just the first few pages. I don't remember how far I got even. But I remember continuing to hear rave reviews over the rest of the series. So it makes me wonder...
7. ONCE UPON A DREAM by Liz Braswell--this one's hard. I know a lot of people didn't care for Liz's first book in this series. I didn't either but wanted to try this Sleeping Beauty one. But again with the confusion of what was going on! Part of this could've been because I was reading a digital ARC and I've found that formatting issues within those can really mess with my head and comprehension. So maybe that played a part in my DNFing it.
6. QUEEN SONG by Victoria Aveyard--I loved Red Queen and was excited for some prequel novellas. But for whatever reason I couldn't get into this one.
5. INK AND BONE by Rachel Caine--it pains me that I DNF'd a Rachel Caine book. I just couldn't get into this one for some reason. It's been so long, I don't even remember why.
4. THE IMMORTAL CROWN by Richelle Mead--sadly this was another series by an author I LOVED that I just couldn't get into. I remember feeling so-so over the first book, but decided I would give the second one a try, but I just didn't click with it. It might have been the too many points of view going on. I was reading this one as an ARC, so I am fairly positive it was digital and again, if there was formatting issues that may have played a role in my confusion and thus DNF.
3. A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES by Deborah Harkness--another one that I really really wanted to enjoy but just didn't. I guess I set my expectations too high and the story just didn't mesh with me.
2. SILENT CRAVINGS by Jess Haines and E. Blix--I read this one as an ARC as well, and I know I technically read the "first" edition as I believe Jess went back and tweaked things. Part of why I gave up on this one was the pacing. Again, with kindle books I hate not knowing the pages. How many I read, how many are left?
1. TO WALK THE NIGHT by E.S. Moore--one of my very early days of DNFing. The timing might have played a part in this one. As I read my review, I learned I was trying to read this in a very loud and unquiet house. Beyond that and perhaps pacing issues, I can't really remember why I DNF'd it.