But there was a time as a teenager when all I did was re-read books. Unless it was after Christmas and I was armed with many a Borders gift card! I miss that place...sigh...
Books You Re-Read the Most
There were definitely two books I remembered reading multiple times. At one point I had a notebook where I kept track of how many times I read these books. No clue where that notebook went though.
Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes was definitely one of them! It's under 200 pages, so for today's standards it's extremely short. I feel like back then it might have been about average? I can't recall really. It may have been on the short side still. Under 300 might have been the norm, so it was still probably just a little too short back then but still amazing! It's shortness was probably why I re-read it some much! It was a one day read many a time in my summers off!
Old Magic by Marianne Curley was another I re-read a handful of times. This one is just over 300 pages, so definitely longer than my previous favorite. It also led to it not being read as many times. Though I do remember a lot of tallies next to it in the missing notebook! Nowadays I'd think that even this one would be a bit short. Of course I keep basing things on books like ACOMAF series and a few other books that go into 400-500 pages as a YA! Lol!
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis-Klause was another that I am pretty sure I re-read. At least 2-3 times because I might have had a good year at this point in finding Paranormal YA books and didn't really circle back around to this one to re-read endlessly.
I honestly would love to go back and re-read all of these! I am pretty sure I'd still love them. Though I might laugh at a few things because of the timing. These books are all pretty old now so it makes me wonder what was going on in those times. Lol! I left Goodreads links to all the books because while I am pretty sure I could remember their main plot points fairly well, I can't say if I will let a spoiler slip because I can't remember what was spoilery and what was common knowledge within the first several pages! Lol! So to be safe I decided to remain quiet on their story-lines! I can easily say that these are likely 5 star reads, though keep in mind they're older and probably aren't up to our 2018 standards!