Jun 29, 2018

Let's Discuss: Favorite Reads So Far in 2018

So we're officially past the halfway mark this year and I've read quite a few books already! I'm writing this post in advance so I am not sure why my number is exactly but I am already halfway through my Goodreads challenge!

From those 50+ books I can honestly say I enjoyed all of them to some degree and the majority were really really enjoyed! I tried to pick a favorite...lol...yeah, I did say that. I tried to pick 1 favorite and couldn't do it, but I limited myself to 3 so that's pretty good all things considered! Lol!

Favorite Reads So Far in 2018.

I'm not going to include the ARCs I've read that haven't been released yet, otherwise that would be upping my count here. The topic said "favorite" as in one and if you know me at all, you know I can never really truly pick a favorite! I tried, I did! But then as I kept scanning my list I was like ooh, that one and that one and that one, and so on, so I cut myself to three!

Here they are...

Immortal Reign by Moran Rhodes...what I felt like I waited eons for even though it was only a few months late! But it was a devastating wait! If you've read the series then you know what I mean! But I can easily say this one was worth all the wait and heartache. I could've done without all that and still loved this one so thoroughly, but you know how it is. Our tears feed the author's muse! Lol!

Legendary by Stephanie Garber, I struggle to coherently explain why this series keeps me so riveted! It's just amazing and I love this world and the characters! I cannot wait to read more!
The Dark Calling by Kresely Cole is another one I loved soooo soooo much! And wow! She seriously keeps upping the game and twisting my heart all over the place. I mentioned awhile back a love/hate relationship with love triangles because sometimes you encounter that triangle where you just don't know who you want the girl to choose. Well this is one of them! I swear I pick my "team" and I literally change it back and forth so many times that I can't decide who I really want to see Evie with! I'll be anxious for the final book and hopefully her final choice and not one of those that feels like a copout where she doesn't really choose at all. 

And those are my top 3 reads (at the time of writing this post) of the year so far! Sure there are more reads that would easily make my top whatever list. It wouldn't quite match the number of books I read as there was a handful of comics I read in that number. I enjoyed those but I wouldn't say they'd make The List! Lol!

What has been your favorite read(s) so far this year?